Unremarkable Audio
Unremarkable Audio

On the Road Again
On the Road Again

An Ordinary Man
An Ordinary Man

News - August 2011

Wednesday, 31 August 11
Three things about today: (1) it is my birthday and I appreciate the emails, text messages and facebook posts, (2) my platelet count has increased 321% from last week, thanks in part to your prayers, I believe. (3) I received a statement from a medical facility stating that I owed $1,390 for services rendered. The invoice stated, in part, "YOU are RESPONSIBLE for PAYMENT of this bill." My insurance provider contacted the billing department of the medical facility and quickly determined that the place had the wrong insurance information and therefore sent their claims to the wrong insurance company. "Patient Beware" is the concept here; do not assume that the figures set forth by the accounts receivable department of an establishment are necessarily correct. Do not be intimated by their bold assertions (wording in capital letters about what is owed).Verify with the insurance company prior to paying anything.

Sunday, 28 August 11
10 of the 14 pounds that I lost in June/July have returned. For once, I am glad to gain weight, as this signals a continued recovery from the medical difficulties this summer.

Saturday, 27 August 11
My unremarkable audio book will be available in late September, read by Mr. Charles Grodin. You can pre-order the audio book from Winepress. All net proceeds will benefit the Mission 4 Maureen Foundation and the Legacy Brain Foundation.

Wednesday, 24 August 11
An Avastin infusion was performed today. Communication and process improvements from the infusion two weeks ago cut the duration of the procedure today in half. My cbc results for white cells, red cells and hemoglobin were perfect, but my platelet count is now at an all time low. This has been caused by the BCNU administered 3.5 weeks ago, I am sure. I'd appreciate your prayers for a platelet recovery.

Saturday, 20 August 11
A men's Bible study at our church provided the impetus to fire up the Trans Am; her first mission in three months. As much at I favor rolling down the highway in my machine, the real highlight is being with my brothers in Christ to study the word of God.

Friday, 19 August 11
The annual Argyle High School Band cookout was held tonight, along with parents' marching night. The cookout was held indoors, due to the extreme heat in North Texas. As always, the students were amused watching their parents learn a few moves and then attempting to emulate the precision of the students.

Tuesday, 16 August 11
Austin moved out today to begin his college studies. I felt the heart tugs of an empty nester dad as I bid him farewell on the campus. Three of our five children are now in college. Wow, how the years go by! The pages fall from the calendar like leaves from the trees this time of year.

Sunday, 14 August 11
The past few days have been perfect. No side effects from the Avastin infusion, more full days at the office, rain Friday night after a nearly 40 day drought, and a family gathering last night.

Wednesday, 10 August 11
An Avastin infusion was accomplished today at an infusion clinic. About three hours were required, which is three times more than should have been needed. The staff understood the doctor's order to mean that they should do CBC with diff and obtain the results prior to the Avastin infusion. What the doctor intended was to pull blood for the CBC and then start Avastin immediately – no need to wait for results. I should have read the doctor's order upon my arrival at the infusion clinic; it would probably have been an easy catch for me and clarification could have been provided with a call to my doctor's office.

Saturday, 06 August 11
The medical timeline has been simplified; it had become cluttered with 5 recurrences. Please let me know if it is easier to understand.

Friday, 05 August 11
I worked a full 40 hours this week - no sick time needed.

Thursday, 04 August 11
I am 90 months post op now; 7.5 years since the tumor was removed. This has been a period of ups and downs mixed with tears and laughter. I look forward to the next 7.5 years.

Tuesday, 02 August 11
I returned to work Monday and today, working a full 9-10 hours just a few days following the marathon BCNU infusion last week. This goes beyond what I had hoped and prayed for.

July 2011 News September 2011 News

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