A dental exam
No Cavities

8th Anniversary
Eight years ago

News - February 2012

Tuesday, 28 February 12
My prayer pager is back online now, after taking a 2-3 day vacation. Thanks for your prayers, pages, emails and support on facebook.

Friday, 24 February 12
I had my Trans Am inspected this morning. I average a mere 52 miles per month on my machine. Next I'm off to see my dentist. No cavities were found in my mouth or in the TA, so my automotive beauty is clean mechanically and medically.

Thursday, 23 February 12
I watched a few Bugs Bunny cartoons from the 1940s and 1950s this evening. They are still ahead of their time.

Tuesday, 21 February 12
Hectic days at work, staying extremely busy on the job, and loving it! Continuing to contribute to the family's well-being is important and theraputic for me.

Tuesday, 14 February 12
Valentine's Day with my wife of 28 years at the Saltgrass steakhouse.

Wednesday, 08 February 12
I received an email from a fellow brain tumor person stating that his oncologist believed that I had been misdiagnosed. There are no gbm survivors, and since I am now an 8 year survivor, I must of not have had a high grade tumor to begin with. Oh, the things that people say!

Saturday, 04 February 12
Today is my 8th annual anniversary of the surgical removal a gbm grade 4 brain tumor. 96 months have elapsed since 2/4/04, and here I am, amazed at the grace extended to me by the Lord. Amazed at the support received from those praying and communicating with me. Amazed that I would be chosen to carry this story of hope to the nations, one visitor at a time, through this website, through my book, through phone calls, visits, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the emerging Google+ channel.

January 2012 News March 2012 News

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