A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

27-30 September 2007: A gathering of Mustangs and Legends at Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus Ohio.
We had a grand view for the demonstrations, both Friday and Saturday.

A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Mustangs are much easier to photo when parked for that purpose than when airborne. My camera has a hard time getting 'er done...
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

... fortunately the (Big D) was present to snap the following pictures of Mustangs airborne.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Over the top. (Big D)
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Graceful and smooth. (Big D)
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Stately and elegant. (Big D)
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Extended range with drop tanks. (Big D)
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Four Mustangs from the 31st Fighter Group stationed in Italy. This formation consists of February (lead),
American Beauty (right wing), Mad Max (left wing), and an yet to be identified P-51B in the slot. (Big D)

A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

This echelon features Obsession (MR-J), Petie 2nd (HO-M), Cripes A' Mighty (HO-P) and Shangrila (VF-T),
all sporting D-Day markings. (Big D)

A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

... peel off to land amidst thunderous applause. (Big D)
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

I did manage to capture this heritage flight with a F-22 Raptor. There were many such demonstrations.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

The last demonstration was the "Missing Man" formation. The 2nd to last event was a flight of 20 Mustangs that assembled a few miles South of the Airport, beyond our sight. They circled around the airport, then flew over us from the East to the West
in the shape of a "51" Here they are proceeding to the staging area.

There were other aircraft at this event.

Copyright 2007 by Jerry D. Kline. All rights reserved.