Six years ago


News - January 2010

Saturday, 30 January 10
I learned six years ago on this day that I had a large irregular mass in my the right temporal lobe of my brain, and that this probably represented a primary brain tumor. The MRI couldn't have been any clearer in this regard. Thus began an emotional meltdown that was ultimately turned around by prayer and the Lord Himself into a resolve to survive.

Friday, 29 January 10
The company that hosts this website has moved my site to another server that uses a new Operating System. The new OS doesn't recognize some of the paths on my website for the pictures, so I must change these paths to something acceptable to the OS. If you come across a missing picture or something that doesn't look correct, please let me know. I appreciate your patience as I begin the process of checking and correcting the entire site.

Wednesday, 20 January 10
Hats off to my good friend John who detected several typos on this page. I am sure that there are dozens of other mistakes all over this site waiting to be discovered. Please feel free to identify any and all errors and bring them to my attention.

Saturday, 16 January 10
The official, public Christmas season ended for me this morning, when the lights clipped to the house eaves were removed. It takes me 3 hours to attach the lights to the house each year, but less than 30 minutes to remove them.

Monday, 11 January 10
I received my computer back from the repair shop today. It was running so slowly that I finally took it in. The tech found several viruses that had escaped detection by all of the antivirus tools I have been using for years. It is amazing what a new, clean harddrive, along with 2 Gigabytes of RAM can do for an old computer; the machine now boots up less than two minutes, a drastic improvement from the 10 minute period previously required.

Friday, 08 January 10
This brain tumor story began six years ago on this day with a monster headache. It took me awhile to admit to myself that something was wrong. I was slow to start, but the pace quickened dramatically from there and has levelled off into a maintenance mode. A remarkable transformation has taken place. The theoretical has been augmented with the experiential. What I knew in my head has grown in my heart. In other words, the Bible says that He will never leave me or forsake me, and now I know that His promises are true, validated by this trial.

Monday, 04 January 10
I am now 71 months post op. Next month will mark my six-year anniversary. Thanks for your continued support, seen and unseen, anticipated and unanticipated!

Saturday, 02 January 10
It's the Cowboys vs. the Eagles at the Cowboys' Stadium in Arlington. Many family members were there - great seats, and the video board is beyond description. It was so loud! Like being at a rock concert. We had a great time, even if we couldn't speak to each other much, due to the unbelievable noise level.

Friday, 01 January 10
Happy New Year! Happy New Decade! The updated manuscript for my book was sent to the Winepress publishers today. The content has been through the substantive and copy editing processes. Now the typeset editor will format the book to give it a professional look. The book will ready for distribution in a few months. It is my intention to donate the net proceeds from the sales of the book to the Legacy Brain Foundation.

December 2009 News February 2010 News

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