I'm sorry, Mr. Kline
I'm sorry, Mr. Kline

The Gathering of Mustangs and Legends
Red Tails


News - January 2012

Tuesday, 31 January 12
I received cbc results today for blood drawn on 16 Jan 2012. All counts are nearly perfect. Platelets are up 26% compared to the previous report from 22 Dec 2011. A good cbc report always plasters a smile on this old mug of mine.

Monday, 30 January 12
It all started for me in earnest on this day eight years ago with these words: "I am sorry Mr. Kline, but you have a brain tumor." I was certain that something significant was wrong on 08 January 04 when those pressure headaches began, but the unmistakable verification of the presence of a large brain tumor on the MRI film was still surreal. My mind quickly became clouded; everything I knew was suddenly in doubt. 30 January 04 was long ago, and yet here I am today, looking forward to the next eight years.

Saturday, 28 January 12
The movie Red Tails features the Tuskegee airmen and their P51 Mustangs from World War II. Go and see this flick if you get a chance. The animation that presents hundreds of B-17s, P-40s, Me109s and Me262s in the air over Germany in 1944 is very well-done. Seeing these red tail P51s on the silver screen tonight reminded me of my trip to Ohio in September 2007 for the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends event.

Friday, 27 January 12
I dusted off my 1976 Trans Am and took her out for a spin today. This was our first such adventure in many weeks.

Thursday, 26 January 12
Hats off to the guy down the street who still has his Christmas lights on. The tree and raindeer look great.

Tuesday, 24 January 12
What an evening; Aric and his trumpet on stage at the Meyerson with the GDYO and the DWSO! Many nieces and nephews also attended, making this a fine family affair.

Monday, 16 January 12
What a day: my MRI from last Friday has been reviewed as clean. Aric will be competing in the National Trumpet Competition. Happy Birthday, Kathy!

Sunday, 15 January 12
I met Walt Garrison after church today in the parking lot. He played fullback for the Dallas Cowboys during the 1960s. It was such an honor to shake his hand.

Friday, 13 January 12
Today's MRI looks clean to me - the official report will be received Monday. Thanks for your prayers, emails, pages and notes.

Sunday, 08 January 12
That first monster headache, announcing the unwanted presence of a brain tumor, was sustained on this day 8 years ago. It seems like just yesterday in many ways, and yet a lifetime ago in other ways.

Friday, 06 January 12
My next MRI will be in one week, 13 Jan 2012. I'd appreciate your prayers for a clean scan.

Wednesday, 04 January 12
I am 95 months post op; next month will make 8 years.

Tuesday, 03 January 12
My first day back at work following the Christmas break was more than tolerable - I am blessed to have a full time job and to be able to contribute to the family's financial well-being.

Sunday, 01 January 12
2012 is upon us; a new year has arrived and God is doing a new thing, according to Isaiah 48:6 and 2 Cor 5:17 and Rev 21:5. I want to be in on this - the newness of the new year and the new song that results as He makes me into a new creature in Christ.

December 2011 News February 2012 News

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