An Ordinary Man

An Ordinary Man

News - July 2011

Sunday, 31 July 11
The past two days have been great. I am handling the BCNU infusion well thus far; this is no doubt due in part to your prayers, so thank you. I also revieved word that the MRI from Friday was reviewed as clean. Thus July draws to a close, a much more bearable month than June.

Friday, 29 July 11
Mission accomplished: I received the desired infusions of BCNU and Avastin today at a hospital. All of this required about 14 hours to complete. Kathy and I returned to our home at 1 am, Saturday. This is more than we bargined for, but the main point is that the objective was achieved, and a few lessons were learned.

Thursday, 28 July 11
I have run into a glitch regarding the BCNU tomorrow; looks like I will have to get the infusion at the hospital rather than at the oncologist's office. Either way is fine - the main thing is to get the chemo Friday.

Monday, 25 July 11
The past few days have been good ones; I am back in the office and my GI tract has returned to a normal state. My appetite has been restored; I have gained about four pounds. I will be getting chemo agent BCNU on Friday. I'd appreciate your prayers for intestinal and metabolic fortitude and for the ability to carry on during these few next weeks.

Wednesday, 20 July 11
The consultation with my oncologist was very productive. Highlights: the Echo test report identifies no heart issues; the fainting from one week ago was certainly caused by a lack of hydration. I appear to have gained one pound. My cbc results from today are favorable. All seven sutures were removed. I have had only three CPT-11 infusions, and there is no way that so few treatments could be expected to permanently dismiss the tumor. BCNU has the ability to kill gbm stem cells, so I should take a round or two at some point (soon). I will return to the oncologist's office in one week and will resume chemo as soon as I have regained my strength. Kathy and I ate Tex-Mex following the appointment today. Austin, Aimee and Aric met us at the restaurant - a nice time together. A great day from all perspectives. I believe the understanding and discernment requested just yesterday has been granted.

Tuesday, 19 July 11
A Chipotle burrito was today's culinary highlight. Again, I am exploring intake options to see how I react in preparation for my return to work. No diarrhea; two relatively normal bowel movements have occurred today. I will meet with my oncologist Wednesday to discuss my status and additional treatment options. If we believe that my recent issues have been caused by CPT-11, then I'll switch to BCNU, which is administered in 6-8 week cycles. I'd be much obliged if you'd keep praying - I need understanding and discernment as to what to do next.

Monday, 18 July 11
I ventured into the unknown today - consuming a Wendy's hamburger. The burger was accepted without protest, so this is a big step forward for me because I must be able to handle such foods before returning to work. Today was also my last day of the Z-Pak antibiotic.

Saturday, 16 July 11
My condition has improved. The sore throat has been almost entirely dismissed, and no diarrhea bouts have been suffered since Friday early morning. The meds are working, and your prayers are working. I still need to rest to regain my strength.

Thursday, 14 July 11
I returned home today after a short stay at Harris Methodist Hospital. I fainted in the shower Wednesday and needed 7 stitches to close the gash on my chin. What brought on the fainting spell? Many tests were run to try to figure that out. CBC results were perfect. The EER showed that no seizure had occurred. The CAT scan did not show a stroke or cranial bleeding. The MRI showed the tumor had left town - this time for good, I pray. The thought at this moment is that the fainting spell was caused by a combination of CPT-11, dehydration and an intestinal infection. I have lost 14 pounds in less than one month. I have been battling diarrhea for many days, but learned today that the diarrhea is most likely being caused by a bacterial infection; a condition identified by the statement "C-Diff positive" in the lab report. So now my meds have changed completely and we shall try again to whip this intestinal affliction.

Saturday, 09 July 11
This day began well - the desired activity referenced in yesterday's note below took place at 6:30 am. There was no cramping or anything else. This was followed by 17 grams of MiraLax. But I have been battling a sore throat for the past couple of days. I am gargling with salt water and am taking Claritin. I was also able to do some yard work today, which for me is always therapeutic.

Friday, 08 July 11
I returned to work today prepared to work a full day, but only 4 hours were needed to accomplish the tasks at hand. Another good day digestively; no nausea, again no need to take Emend. 17 grams of MiraLax were again consumed this morning. I will repeat this Saturday morning and my prayer request is to see some activity by the end of the Sunday.

Thursday, 07 July 11
I returned to work today following the infusion yesterday, planning to work 1/2 day. But it ended up being a full day at the office. I had a good day digestively; no nausea, no need to take Emend, no bowel issues. 17 grams of MiraLax were consumed this morning. I will repeat this Friday morning.

Wednesday, 06 July 11
My cbc results from today look good, so CPT-11 infusion #3 was accomplished, along with Avastin infusion #1. We had to wait on the Avastin until the wound from the port installation had healed. I am hopeful that the proceedings from today's procedure will prove much less dramatic than the fallout from first and second infusions. I believe I have learned how to manage my bowels using three meds, and nausea continues to be a non-issue.

My weight has not changed since last week, which is welcome news since I had lost 7 pounds during the previous week. A fecal matter sample was sent to a lab for analysis, and the report showed no abnormalities. My hair is falling out at a rapid pace now. I will be bald in a week or so, but most of my hair will return in the days following the end of CPT-11 infusions. Temodar never caused hair loss, neither did Carboplatin, neither did CPT-11 when used concurrently with Carboplatin for recurrence #4, but the higher CPT-11 dose in use for tumor #5 has caused a mass exodus. To those standing with me in prayer, please accept my heartfelt thanks. A total of 12 CPT-11 infusions will be required during the next four months; I am 25% of the way there.

Tuesday, 05 July 11
Today was my 1st day back at my worksite in nearly two weeks. I have been addressing product paperwork issues from home and answering emails, but I have not actually been at my desk since 21 June 11. It was a great day - much accomplished, topped off by no digestive issues. I ate Tex-Mex with two of my colleagues, and my coworkers covered for me during my absence. So I have closed the books on the 1st and 2nd rounds of CPT-11, but of course infusion #3 is tomorrow, if my CBC results are good. CPT-11 is known to deplete a person’s white cell count. We shall see tomorrow and I ask you to pray tonight for good counts.

Monday, 04 July 11
Happy Birthday, America, land that I love. Today featured a cookout, music, a movie at the theater, patriotic documentaries on the Military channel and rest (no fireworks, due to the fire ban). I have seen many bumper stickers sporting the phrase, "God bless America." The Lord has in fact been very good to this country, and I believe the time has come get upside down with this, as I have seen on two or three stickers that read: "America bless God."

Today is also a b'day day for me of sorts: 89 months since surgery. I have begun to lose my hair, no doubt a side-effect from the chemo. Hopefully it will return when all of this is over in mid October.

Sunday, 03 July 11
We arrived home from Houston around 11 pm this evening, following a fantastic visit with Kathy's parents and many other relatives; Becky, Warren, Sara, Paul, Nathan, Bethany, Steven, Debbie, Terry and Jonathan. This was the best family road trip ever. Andrew and Austin connected their iPhones to the speakers in our van and provided DJ services as we drove home. Each successive song seemed better than the previous tune. And then there was the techno music that had the fab five bouncing up and down, even with seat belts fastened, in a robotic way that is hard to describe but hilarious to watch. Six young deer were spotted in route, distributed in ones and twos along the east side of I-45.

My GI tract was relatively quiet during these past two days. Could it be that I am learning how to manage my intestines using Imodium, Kaopectate, Hyoscyamine and MiraLax, or perhaps the CPT-11 is finally leaving my bowels, just in time for Wednesday’s infusion?

Friday, 01 July 11
The diarrhea war continues with an opening salvo this morning from the enemy. I took two Imodium pills to stabilize the situation, then struck back a couple of hours later with 4 eggs, yogurt and Gatorade. Also, my hide is no longer raw, a quick recovery following the volcanic activity in mid June.

My book has been translated into Polish with the title Zwyczajny człowiek (An Ordinary Man) and is now available through Fraszka. The audio book is in the final stages of editing; it should be available in August or September thru Winepress, and on iTunes. Sales of these items, like the original paperback book itself, benefit Foundations such as The Legacy Brain Foundation, the Mission 4 Maureen Foundation in the US and Fundacja Radia Z in Poland.

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