Bradford Pear Bloom
Spring 2012

Bluebonnets - the State Flower of Texas
Spring 2012

News - March 2012

Thursday, 29 March 12
These past two weeks have been very nice. Mild temperatures here in North Texas, many tasks accomplished at work and good times with the family. Fatigue continues to assert itself, but not in a full fashion. I am looking forward to seeing Andrew on Sunday and hearing all about his recent trip to China.

Saturday, 17 March 12
Recent rains yielded a forest of imposing weeds in my yard, many of which were 1-2 feet high. My riding mower cut them down to size today, with some effort. Blue Bonnets have made their annual appearence along the north part of our property as always. The Bradford Pear trees began the spring festivities a few days ago with their bridal blizzard of white blooms. This performance is not unlike that of five years ago.

Tuesday, 06 March 12
I'm so thankful for generic meds. I learned today that my copay for Keppra for a 3 month supply would be $1700, but the copay for the generic is $20. I have been taking the generic for about 18 months, so there is no risk in staying with what I am already on.

Monday, 05 March 12
Back at work today following the automotive drama last week. Angels were watching over me, no doubt about it!

Saturday, 03 March 12
I am up and about this morning following a 14 hour period of hibernation. Getting rest at a hospital can be difficult, but not at home. My daily Keppra intake has been increased from 1000 mg per day to 2000 mg per day. I cleared my email and facebook messages - thanks for your support. I pray the Lord will bless you even as you bless me with your prayers.

Friday, 02 March 12
I returned home from the hospital this afternoon following my car accident on Wednesday. The tests run at the hospital showed no stroke, no internal bleeding and no recurrent tumor. My blood counts were all good. My task now is to rest.

February 2012 News April 2012 News

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