Father-Daughter Dance
Father Daughter Dance

News - May 2005

Saturday, 28 May 05
Here is a message from my oncologist, Dr. Virginia Stark-Vance, received this evening.

"I love your site and hope you will let me link it to mine (dfw-neuronetwork.com). I think you are doing a wonderful work in keeping the faith, and even more, by showing how God had richly blessed you despite this terrible diagnosis. Let me also recommend to your readers, A Life God Rewards which tells how God plans to continue to bless us in the life to come. Peace and love, "Doc"

This is the first such note I have ever received from any doctor. Dr. Stark-Vance has merged medicine with humanity. She is compassionate, hopeful and encouraging. During my office visit each month, she delights in spending 45 minutes or more with Kathy and me talking about the latest treatments and what is going on in the world on oncology.

Tuesday, 24 May 05
I received a picture taken (professionally) at the Father-Daughter Dance on 09 May 05.

Sunday, 22 May 05
Finished the first half of the ninth round of chemotherapy tonight without incident. There will now be two weeks off of chemo, followed by another two weeks back on the Temodor, then two weeks off, then MRI #9. This cycle will continue until early next year.

Monday, 09 May 05
The radiologist's report was received today:

"Comparison is made with previous MRI of the brain dated 03/03/05. No mass effect, midline shift, or extra-axial fluid collection is seen. Mild prominence of ventricles and suical spaces is compatible with volume loss. There is a resection cavity seen along the lateral aspect of the right temporal lobe. Adjacent increased T2 signal is seen around the resection bed with ex vacuo dilatation of the right temporal horn. There is no enhancement seen within the brain parenchyma or at the resection bed within the brain. Corpus callosum is normally formed. No Chiari I malformation is seen. The increased signal seen within the resection bed extends superiorly into the corona radiata and to the centrum serniovale. Overlying changes of a right frontoparietal craniotomy are also noted. Flow voids are seen within the major intracranial vessels. Orbits are within normal limits. The visualized paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are clear.No significant change is seen in the appearance of the brain."

Translation: No brain tumor is detected and my sinuses are not blocked. This MRI, like the seven before it following surgery in February 2004 shows no recurrent tumor mass. So I offer my thanks to those praying for me and my gratitude is extended to the Lord - my Tower of Strength, my Good Shepherd and my Abba Father.

Of course, there are those who would argue that 'no mass effect' is a great description of my brain in general.

Friday, 06 May 05
The eighth post-op MRI was accomplished today. My review of the film suggests that I am clean, but I will know for sure when I receive the radiologist's report on Monday during my monthly oncologist exam.

A bi-monthly MRI in the morning and a dance in the evening! Crosstimbers Community Church held a father-daughter dinner/dance/craft event this evening. Aimee and I had a great time. These activities provide an opportunity for dads to show their young daughters how women are to be treated by men. But pity the bum who shows an interest in Aimee as she grows up! With a dad and four brothers, Aimee will be well-protected.

April 2005 NewsJune 2005 News


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