The Child
The Child

The Child
The Lights

The Child
The Tree

News - November 2009

Sunday, 29 November 09
The artificial Christmas tree has once again been erected, having survived another year in the attic. Almost all of the lights still work. My Frosty Friends were carefully applied to the tree. The symbolic tree is fake, but the Messiah message is more than real.

Friday, 27 November 09
A happy Thanksgiving in San Antonio at the home of one of Kathy's sisters. Several other sisters made the trip, along with Kathy's parents. I enjoyed talking to mom-and-dad-in-law about ministry and memories. Kathy, Aric, Aimee and I returned home late Saturday night.

Thursday, 26 November 09
Thanksgiving at mom's home - great as always. David, Aaron and I strung Christmas lights on mom's house, a task greatly facilitated by hooks I installed many years ago on the house's eaves. I have many things for which to be thankful. The main thing for me is to try to emulate an attitude of Thanksgiving all year.

Tuesday, 24 November 09
I have several Holiday traditions, one of which is the viewing of the Peanuts Classics such as, Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. Another Peanuts favorite is, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I watched the bonus feature, The Mayflower Voyagers on the DVD this year, and learned much about that first Thanksgiving.

Sunday, 22 November 09
The outside Christmas lights have been afixed in place on our house. Yule Tide lights always remind me of the light Who came into the world. The advent of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God. God the Father sends God the Son to the earth to pay the wages of my sin (e.g. I deserve hell, but am offered heaven). My acceptance of his literal death and resurrection from the grave on my behalf reserves a place in heaven for me. God the Spirit indwells, guides and matures me in the faith; The Spirit is a down payment of the grace to be fully received when I go the heaven. This is Christmas. This is real. Andy Williams' song is correct; this is the most wonderful time of the year.

Saturday, 21 November 09
Aric has joined the Vigilantes Drum and Bugle Corps and today was rehearsal number 2, an all day affair for both of us. I used the time to good advantage, reading the manuscript of my book through in one sitting. I found many errors that must be corrected. This project began about one year ago.

Friday, 20 November 09
I completed my review of the media kit for my book. It was good to get this done and now I will return to the manuscript for one last round of updates.

Thursday, 19 November 09
Kathy, Aric, Andrew and I traveled to the Northwest ISD athletic complex to watch the Argyle Eagles take on the Lake Worth Bullfrogs; high school playoff football. Austin and Aimee, members of the Argyle Eagle High School Marching Band, were the main reason I went to the game.

The trip home was not without incident. We were headed East on Highway 114, nearing the intersection with I-35W. Kathy was driving and I rode shotgun. I noticed the sign for the turn we desired to take and uncharacteristically made a comment. Kathy immediately eased up on the gas just a bit earlier than she otherwise would have, and it is a good thing she did. A vehicle in the opposite turn lane (e.g. heading West on 114) was trying to turn left directly in front of us (e.g. to head South on I-35W) and (according to Kathy's testimony) we would have t-boned that car if I had not made the exit sign comment when I did, and if she had not slowed down to move into the left turn lane when she did in response to my comment. Kathy did a fine job of swerving to the left as the other car, wheels squealing as the driver tried to avoid a collision, passed just beyond the right front fender of our car. I had prayed for safety as we headed to the game a few hours earlier. Angels were watching over us tonight, no doubt all the time.

Wednesday, 11 November 09
Today is my father's 29th anniversary in heaven. I still miss him. I still have dreams about him. He is always strong and healthy in my dreams, and one day soon we all will see him face-to-face. Our days on this earth are but a vapor, but heaven presents no timeline.

Sunday, 08 November 09
The unremarkable book has now cleared the copy editor. I must read through the book one more time and compose Appendix A. After this, the book goes to the typeset editor.

Wednesday, 04 November 09
I am now 5 and 3/4 years post op. Thanks for your support, seen and unseen!

Tuesday, 03 November 09
My right ear is still ringing from last night's concert at Bass Hall in downtown Ft. Worth. Never again will I sit in row 5 near the main speaker stack when a 1970s rock band is on stage. My left ear did not protest much, so the lingering right ear effects are appropriately assigned to the radiation therapy of March 2004. Six weeks of radiation produced this ringing during that time. The ringing would come, linger, then leave over a period of maybe one week. This cycle was repeated many times, until the ringing finally ceased several years ago. Last night it resumed. My body has very clearly reminded me this week what I did to it more than five years ago. Radiation had to be done and it was the right thing to do. Back then as now, an aggressive tumor requires an aggressive response.

I must report, however, that the concert was nevertheless great! The Doobie Brothers have more than 25 #1 hits. I knew by heart everything they played. Each song invoked nice memories of an era past, but now revived, albeit for just a moment or two. My iTunes library takes me back to the decade of my choice on demand. Looking back, I can see where the Lord has brought me and how He has been with me through thick and thin.

Monday, 02 November 09
Happy Birthday mom!

October 2009 News December 2009 News

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