The Legacy Brain Foundation
The Stars Come Out

Unremarkable Audio
Unremarkable Audio

News - October 2011

Friday, 28 October 11
An away game tonight for the football team and Marching Band. My blanket mitigated the cold temperature, as did the hospitality of the Pilot Point tailgate crews.

Wednesday, 26 October 11
A routine cbc test was performed today, followed by a concert at TCU featuring one of Aaron's songs. My platelets have dropped since last week's check, but history says they are begining a comeback, even now.

Saturday, 22 October 11
Kathy and I enjoyed the annual Stars Come Out auction tonight, with proceeds benefiting the Legacy Brain Foundation.

Friday, 21 October 11
Its Friday night High School football in North Texas, and Aimee and Aric are the only remaining members of the Kline clan associated with the Argyle High School marching band. Our three eldest sons are in collegians at TCU and UTD. I have been attending band-related events for more than 10 years. Memories run deep and wide and pics like these from six years ago provide an online soft copy of those days that are hard-wired in my mind.

Wednesday, 19 October 11
Feeling great these days, but blood work today demonstrated a reduction in platelets, so please continue or start praying for said platelets and the white cells referred to as neutrophils, which fell to a very low level after the first BCNU infusion.

Saturday, 15 October 11
This has been a splendid week professionally, grammatically, theologically, socially and medically. Please take a moment to tell me about your week.

Wednesday, 12 October 11
An Avastin infusion was performed today. CBC numbers look great, but my platelets are beginning to drop. Please pray for those platelets and the white cells referred to as neutrophils, which fell to a very low level after the first BCNU infusion.

Friday, 07 October 11
Each day has been progressively better for me this week. Monday was a bit rough in terms of fatigue, but things are returning to normal. Still no nausea, and my digestive system has thankfully reset itself. I have been able to work full time thru all of this and I am enjoying the cooler temperatures here in North Texas.

Saturday, 01 October 11
There has not been any negative fallout from the BCNU infusion last of last Wednesday. Sleep has been impacted slightly by the decadron pre-med, an expected consequence. There has been no nausea, but there have been no bowl movements either, so I am taking 17g of MiraLax daily.

September 2011 News November 2011 News

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