Poland 2010

17 August 2010. It is my great privilege to be in Poland to speak to brain tumor patients, families, caregivers and physicians at the Center of Oncology in Warsaw at the invitation of the RadioZET foundation. Here my translator Iza fills me in on a few last minute details.
Poland 2010

About 50 people honored me with their presence at this gathering.
I know one couple who traveled 5 hours by train just to hear what I had to say.

Poland 2010

The multimedia equipment performed flawlessly, greatly facilitating the presentation of my brain tumor story. One thing I stressed is what I refer to as the "competent patient" concept. Another subject I emphasized is the need for bi-monthly MRIs.
Poland 2010

Two hours had been allocated for the event, so I had crafted the Power Point charts to be as succinct as possible
and still convey the message. My goal was to leave plenty of time for questions and answers.

Poland 2010

There were many side meetings after the presentation had officially ended, and many people signed my guest book.
I hope to maintain contact with these people.

Poland 2010

A television station requested an interview after the presentation, as did a radio station and a reporter from a medical journal. The interview was broadcast on Warsaw's "Super Station" this evening.
Poland 2010

Iza and I met with a young lady in Cracow the following day. She told me her dad's brain tumor story and then drove us to Auschwitz the following morning to visit this most notorious Nazi concentration camp from World War II. Seeing this place in person was a moving experience. The crimes against humanity that were committed here and at other such extermination camps left me emotionally drained.
Copyright 2010 by Jerry D. Kline. All rights reserved.