Unremarkable Audio
Unremarkable Audio

News - September 2011

Wednesday, 28 September 11
The aforementioned BCNU/Avastin infusion was accomplished today. The procedure lasted 5 hours, but the book I took to read and the nice box lunch provided by the clinic staff made the time seem to fly by. Please pray for stronger blood counts than I experienced from the first cycle of BCNU.

There are three factors working in favor of my counts this time, which are, in ascending order: (1) The dispensed quantity of BCNU was reduced from 400mg to 360mg, so I am hopeful of less toxicity to my system, yet with sustained lethality to any residual tumor cells still lurking about, (2) I am entering this second BCNU cycle with better blood counts than the first BCNU event and (3) your prayers. Yes, prayer is the #1 factor. Your prayers matter; they make a (positive) difference, so please continue to pray for me or start praying. This is not a one-way street. Please let me know how I can return the favor; what is your prayer request?

Monday, 26 September 11
My labs look great today, so I will receive another another BCNU infusion on Wednesday. The BCNU dosage will be decreased by 10% in view of the impact that a previous infusion of this med had on my white blood counts and my platelet counts.

Monday, 19 September 11
The MRI report received today states that there is no evidence of recurrent or residual tumor. My labs look great, so the plan is to get another BCNU infusion next week.

Friday, 16 September 11
Today's MRI looks clean to me; the official report will be received Monday. There is a lot to look at in these scans and comparisons to be made to previous scans - it would be easy to overlook something, so please be praying for a clean report.

Monday, 12 September 11
Blood tests today showed an improvement from just five days ago. This is important because even though my absolute white cell count has been recovering, my Granulocytes were a very low 0.7 last week. But they have bounced back this week to 1.9, which means that I will not need to be injected with a med that stimulates white cell production. Thank you for praying for a return of the white cells.

Sunday, 11 September 11
A day to remember those who died on this day ten years ago and to the men and women in our armed forces to serve all over the world to protect our freedoms. The 20th century's date of infamy for America is December 7, 1941. The 21st century's date of infamy is September 11, 2001.

Wednesday, 07 September 11
Another Avastin infusion was performed today. My port was acting up, not allowing blood to be drawn. The 3rd poke finally led to the required blood flow for cbc analysis. My white blood count is low - please pray for a recovery.

Friday, 02 September 11
This site has been updated with a new header. I believe I have successfully propagated said new banner to each page, but I may have missed a few pages here and there. Please do me a favor and stroll thru the various pages looking for a improperly sized banner - please let me know if you come across a page that has not been updated.

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