Paperback Book

Unremarkable Audio
Unremarkable Audio

paperback, eBook and Audio Book

Unremarkable Media

An Unremarkable Book
An Initiative of Hope
An Unremarkable Man is the true story of the ups and downs, the ins and outs and the victories and defeats of a prototypical guy thrust into the unfamiliar world of cancer, surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and MRIs. Join my family on a voyage of hope and faith to discover good coming from bad, strength growing from weakness and weeping changed to laughter.

Thus reads the back cover of my book, which seeks to impart hope and encouragement to those recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. I searched for such a resource when I learned of my tumor, but few were found, especially volumes that were current in terms of treatments. Websites were either stale or devoid of hope. So I fashioned this website and wrote a book to partially fill this gap. An Unremarkable Man was professionally designed, edited, typeset, proofread, formatted and produced by Winepress. My mom also played a major editorial role, as did Elizabeth Morgan, PhD in English. It took longer get the manuscript through these editors than to actually write the book! I am glad that I took the time to do it right, for what emerged is something far superior to what I could have done alone.

"A must read book for all brain tumor patients."
"It only took me two evenings to read your book…. It captivated me."
"It's a quietly dramatic way of dealing and learning. I can't recommend it enough."
"I highly recommend Jerry's book. It will inspire you and show you how to have courage and best of all that there is Hope!"
"This book is very readable and contains much useful information for the newly diagnosed patient and their family and caregivers."
"Jerry never brags or gives himself the credit for his remarkable survival. You'll find yourself wanting to cheer him on as he fights the good fight."

Team Hope
Your assistance is solicited to get this Unremarkable book into as many needy hands as possible. The book is available from,, and in paperback,eBook and Audio Book formats.

Please download the Media Kit and contact those in your sphere of influence who could help provide the exposure needed to place the book before the public.

All net proceeds from sales of this book are donated to brain tumor charities.


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