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1976 Trans Am
Trans Am at EFW

News - February 2006

Monday, 13 February 06
I took my 1976 Trans Am to work today, the 1st semi-road trip with her since she arrived in early January. I also learned a couple of days ago that I will be receiving the requested WARP 76 license plates.

Sunday, 12 February 06
Completed the first half of the 14th round of Temodar chemo therapy tonight. Two weeks off now, then another 1/2 cycle and MRI #14 will be accomplished.

Saturday, 04 February 06
This is the second anniversary of the surgery to remove a brain tumor. On 30 Jan 04 I felt as if I had been hit by a train and fallen into a pit upon learning of the tumor diagnosis. Surgery on 04 Feb 04, followed by radiation, 13 rounds of chemotherapy with 13 clean MRIs, with the incredible support and prayers of many people, have turned that initial day of sorrow into joy - and mourning into dancing. This website can hopefully serve as an altar to God, who answered me in the day of my distress, and has been there with me wherever I have gone. (Gen 35:3)

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