Caught in the Light
Lunch Anyone?

A Trip to Israel

Seeing Eye to Eye

Ponder Steakhouse
Pondering with Joel

Feet on a Bus
Cats on a Bus

News - February 2008

Friday, 29 February 08
Leap year day and an opportunity to talk with a brain tumor survivor. It is interesting how treatments and procedures have changed in the past four years.

Thursday, 28 February 08
The pictures of the trip to Israel have been posted. Visiting Israel is unlike anything else.

Saturday, 23 February 08
Completed the initial work on the Legacy Brain Foundation website.

Saturday, 16 February 08
We are back from the San Antonio music competition. The bands were exquisite (I have issued a photographic surrender, as my camera just cannot get the job done from the distances involved), the ride there and back was relaxing. I completed the book Angels, Angels, Angels in route back home.

Friday, 15 February 08
We are off to San Antonio for the Texas State music competition. There are 11 musicians from the Argyle High school making the trip, including our son Aaron.

Thursday, 14 February 08
I returned home from the trip to Israel, arriving at 2:30 am (Friday morning). I completed the book Into the Teeth of the Tiger in route back home.

Wednesday, 13 February 08
Aimee's Appendix is removed. Fortunately and thankfully, the organ did not rupture. The surgery went so well, that Aimee went home the day after the procedure. I need to ensure that my family can reach me easily and quickly the next time I travel out of the country.

Monday, 11 February 08
A tour of Jerusalem consumes the entire day.

Saturday, 09 February 08
The start of a business trip to Israel. My first trip to the Holy land in four years. I am looking forward to this trip for a number of reasons.

Friday, 08 February 08
A trip to the Ponder Steakhouse, a Denton County culinary treasure, where my good friend Joel and I feasted on a fine lunch. In talking with Joel, I am again reminded of the power of humility and gentleness. Maybe one day I will be granted a measure of Joel's spirit.

Tuesday, 05 February 08
Have you heard of the math puzzle involving seven girls on a bus, carrying seven back packs each, with each back pack containing 7 large cats each, with each large cat having seven kittens each? The question posed is "how many feet are on the bus?" Convinced that this was a ruse, I studied the problem from a number of angles, calculating the # of feet to be:

  • 14, since cats have paws, not legs (or are paws just feline hands)
  • 16, including the bus driver
  • 18, including the above plus the bus monitor
  • Numerous other variations as a function of being “on” the bus vs. “in” the bus

  • But my son Aaron, a junior in High School, is not as skeptical as I am. He took the problem at face value and quickly calculated the correct number the first time. Whoever said that "old age and treachery overcomes youth and skill" never met Aaron.

    Monday, 04 February 08
    My 4th year anniversary of surgery to remove a brain tumor that was subsequently reviewed to be of the gbm grade 4 variety. So now 48 months have elasped and here I am, amazed at the grace extended to me by the Lord. Amazed at the support received from those praying and communicating with me. Amazed that I would be chosen to carry this story of hope to the nations, one visitor at a time, through this website.

    Sunday, 03 February 08
    Aric is not feeling well today, so I took him to a clinic, after calling to verify their business hours. This is Super Bowl 42 Sunday, after all. They said to come on, walk ins are welcome. We arrived at the facility, and only then did I learn that there was a 2 hour wait, and that I could have signed-up on their website and remained at home for their call, announcing that an opening would be available in 30 minutes. The wait turned into more than three hours, all the while Aric lay asleep in the waiting hall while I simultaneously watched the movie Madagascar, listened to the movie National Treasure and read the book Into the Eye of the Tiger. So once again, I had done something the hard way. Some measure of consolation was afforded by other people who found themselves in a similar situation as Aric and I, and upon my return home and a return to the website of the clinic, not readily finding the register link, I felt a bit exonerated. The Physician's Assistant who examined Aric commented that if people would just drink lots water (don't wait until you are thirsty), eat with some degree of sanity and get plenty of rest, the number of people seeing doctors would drop by 66%.

    Saturday, 02 February 08
    I used the Trans Am to transport me to AquaKids Keller today for maintenance tasks. I noticed as I was driving out of the subdivision that the TA was resisting my attempt to accelerate, and that she was quick to slow down. I stopped the car, looked underneath the machine from the front and back, opened the hood, checked the gear shift, ensured the parking brake was fully off, and then resumed my travels without further incident. I plan to keep a care watchful on this, as I remember all too well what happened 33 or so years ago as I returned home in my Pinto with the parking brake set! Another example of haste makes waste and doing things the hard way.

    January 2008 News March 2008 News

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