Science Experiment
In the Soda

March MRI
In the Machine

March Email
In the Office

News - March 2008

Thursday, 27 March 08
I am planning a trip to Moldova to visit Nelly and Gaby, the two children I am sponsoring and Galina and Tatiana, the two children my mother is sponsoring. Looks like late April will work, and I absolutely and positively can't wait!

Sunday, 23 March 08
Easter 2008 and a day to reflect upon the Lamb of God. He took our place and to this day extends the gift of eternal life to all who will receive Him. He is risen, just as He said. Come and see for yourself. Read the last chapter or two of four books in the Bible: Mathew, Mark Luke and John.

Wednesday, 12 March 08
This morning began (and ended) as other days. I got out of bed, turned on the water for the shower and brushed my teeth. I then opened door to the shower and there it was - a big fat juicy red wasp on the floor of the shower, being hammered by the water spray and therefore not an immediate threat (compare to 08 Dec 07). A shoe quickly dispatched the invader and I went about my business. Here is a case where haste could have made major waste, so look before you leap. Assume nothing and take nothing for granted. Every moment of every day or night that is free from drama is a gift. I concluded the morning dressing ritual while pondering Amy Grant's song Angels Watching Over Me and Billy Graham's book Angels, Angels, Angels.

Monday, 10 March 08
My MRI from last Friday has been reviewed as clean! I accomplished the peg test in 16 seconds and 18 seconds for my left hand and right hand, respectively; my fastest times yet. CBC tests show my platelets finally recovering from the Carboplatin last year. All in all a great day, especially since had the honor of meeting another four year survivor and a seven year survivor in the doctor's office. The prayer pager is buzzing, the emails continue, the smiles at work and at church offer sustained hope and encouragement and I thank the Lord for all of you.

Sunday, 09 March 08
A science experiment to determine the behavior of various sodas when a Menthos is dropping into the 2 liter bottle. An interesting school project that doesn't doesn't take all day to accomplish and document.

Friday, 07 March 08
A bi-monthly, routine MRI was accomplished today. The appointment had been moved forward 30 minutes yesterday due to the expected travel conditions today, but today I arrived early for that later time, such that the MRI began before it was originally scheduled to have begun. If you can grasp the previous sentence in a single pass, then I'm confident you would pass the mini-mental exam I take every time I visit the oncologist.

The scan looked clean to me, but I did have one question about one spot, so I showed the film to the radiologist. He reviewed the scan with me, explaining a number of things, and then pointed out that the area in question was just part of the lateral horn, a ventrical. This region was dark on those scans where it should be dark, and was totally absent on those images where it would have enhanced if it were a tumor. So I am confident that this scan is clean. The official report will be received on Monday.

Thursday, 06 March 08
So here we are in March and it is snowing! We have about six inches of white powder in Argyle. This reminds me of the snow day on Valentine's Day in 2004. Tomorrow the temperature is supposed to be in the 50s.

Wednesday, 05 March 08
An email received today prompted me to ask the company photographer to come to my office and take a pic or two for me to send to Nelly and Gaby in Moldova.

February 2008 NewsApril 2008 News

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