Top Mustang Ace
The Ace

The Red Baron and Baroness
The Baron

Five Year Survivor
The Plant

News - February 2009

Friday, 27 February 09
The six month dental checkout today revealed no issues. As always, I took 600 mg of Clindamycin one hour before the appointment. The doctor and his assistant schooled me one very important matter. One is not to just brush down from the gums to the upper teeth. Neither is one to just brush up from the gums to the lower teeth. The correct procedure is to use gentle circular motions. I have been brushing incorrectly for decades.

Friday, 20 February 09
The alpha edition of An Unremarkable Man was printed at FedEx today. The book is out for review by a team of editors, cover artwork will be ready next week. I am excited to see this project coming together.

Thursday, 19 February 09
The highly anticipated George Preddy book and DVD arrived today. I first heard about Major Preddy at the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends, an event I attended in September 2007 in Ohio. A replica of Maj Preddy's P-51D Mustang was one of 100 Mustangs at the gathering. Last week, I put in a cameo appearance at the Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force. Brochures and details about Maj Preddy were on display. A couple of emails to the Preddy Memorial Foundation ensued and now I have the story of the leading Mustang Ace from WWII.

Saturday, 14 February 09
We have returned from the Texas Honor Band concert in San Antonio. Aaron was one of eight or nine students from Argyle High School who are among the best of the best and thus eligible to participate in this event.

Thursday, 12 February 09
My next literary project is The Autobiography of George Muller. His ministry to orphans in London in the later half of the 1800s is legend.

Monday, 09 February 09
Lunch today with the Red Baron and Baroness. Johnny is kicking his gbm up one wall and down the other. It is always great to be with Johnny and Jan. And BBQ is always fitting after dusting your crops.

Sunday, 08 February 09
The plant thumbnail is posted hereon to thank Lawrence for this gift five years ago after my return from surgery, and to celebrate its survival. I now have a plant that has actually thrived. When transplanting this plant last year, I had to literally saw and cut the plastic pot off of the enormous root ball that had developed.

Wednesday, 04 February 09
I am now five years post op, by the grace of God. This day was celebrated by a return home from a ten day business trip. As I made the trek back to Argyle, listening to my son Aaron's version of Amazing Grace on my iPod Shuffle, I could feel the Spirit whisper to my spirit "Happy Birthday, son."

Tuesday, 03 February 09
I have completed Mere Christianity, one of several classics from C.S. Lewis. I heard about this volume many years ago, and it was high time to read this book.

Sunday, 01 February 09
When's the last time you read Isaiah, one of 66 books in the Bible? Let me tell you, Isaiah is in the Old Testament, but it hit me like a brand New Testament; as if I had never read it before. Many famous verses, promises and prophetic passages concerning kingdoms and the coming Messiah. I read only one or two chapters in the Bible each day, because there is so much to see and learn.

January 2009 News March 2009 News

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