A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

27-30 September 2007: A gathering of Mustangs and Legends at Rickenbacker International Airport in Columbus Ohio.
photo provided courtesy of the Big D

I arrived on Friday, but the show started Thursday, rain and all. This pic of Mustang Row is provided courtesy of the Big D.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Mustangs Forever!
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Cincinnati Miss represents the 353rd Fighter Group, 350th Fighter Squadron stationed in Raydon, England in 1944.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

This Mustang was delivered to the 8th Air Force in 1945 and like many other Mustangs
arriving towards the end of the war, served with other Air Forces in the 1950s.

A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Princess Elizabeth is a P-51C, an early variant of the Mustang, before the famous D model
with greatly improved visibility afforded by the bubble canopy.

A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Crazy Horse is a dual control Mustang in the colors of the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group. You can fly this aircraft while another person rides with you, in a position to take control of the aircraft should the need arise.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

This machine has flown in American, Australian and Canadian airspace. Truly an international bird.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Little Horse was one of the last Mustangs built in Texas in 1944 and was totally restored in 1996.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Sweet and Lovely sports the markings of Lt. Bill Pattillo's Mustang of the 487th Fighter Squadron, 352nd Fighter Group.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Here is another 352nd Fighter Group Mustang, this one in tribute to Maj George .E. Preddy.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Maj. George E. Preddy was the top Mustang Ace from WWII with 26 aerial victories. Checkout the
Preddy Memorial Foundation website.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Ace Robin Olds' Mustang
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Gunfighter is restored in the colors of the 343rd Fighter Squadron, 55th Fighter Group, 66th Fighter Wing.
I saw this bird by chance at the Arizona Wing of the Commemorative Air Force in Mesa Arizona in June 2006.

A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

This aircraft bears the marking of Ace Lt. Bob Goebel's Flying Dutchman.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Diamondback displays the colors of the 356th Fighter Group, 360th Fighter Squadron.
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Gentleman Jim is on the ramp!
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Crazy Horse is on the ramp!
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

It's show time!
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Moonbean McSwine is rolling!
A Gathering of Mustangs and Legends

Let's go!
Copyright 2007-2009 by Jerry D. Kline. All rights reserved.