7th Anniversary
Seven years ago

Snow 2011

News - February 2011

Sunday 20 February 2011
I moved about 1300 gallons of leaves from our front yard and driveway to the burn pile at the back of our property. How does one move such a huge volume of leaves? Two 32 gallon garbage cans at a time. How have I faced a high grade brain tumor these past seven years? One day at a time. Small incremental steps combine over time to yield sustained progress. For me, its just one step in front of the other.

Monday 14 February 2011
Its Valentine's Day and my scan from last Friday has been reviewed as clean! A very nice gift indeed, this clean report is. Thus closes the book on the 4th recurrent tumor. I can now discontinue all chemo and return to to bi-monthly MRIs.

Saturday 12 February 2011
I passed the Project Management Institute (PMI®) Risk Management Professional (RMP®) test today. This was a difficult test, one for which I had been preparing since October 2010. The RMP credential is a career development opportunity that I undertook on my own in order to stay current and even excel in my career. The RMP complements the Project Management Professional (PMP®) credential earned in June 2009.

Friday 11 February 2011
The MRI that had to be cancelled last week due to the ice storm was administered today. It looks clean to me. The radiologist's report will be available Monday.

Friday 04 February 2011
Today is my 7th annual anniversary of the surgical removal a gbm grade 4 brain tumor. 84 months have elapsed since 2/4/04, and here I am, amazed at the grace extended to me by the Lord. Amazed at the support received from those praying and communicating with me. Amazed that I would be chosen to carry this story of hope to the nations, one visitor at a time, through this website, through my book, through phone calls, visits, text messages and even Facebook.

Thursday 03 February 2011
The snow day from Tuesday has turned into a snow week. Temperatures remain in the 20s, so nothing is melting, and many schools in North Texas are closed for the third consecutive day. I am scheduled for a MRI tomorrow, but it is unlikely that I will be able to extricate a vehicle from the glacial wasteland of our driveway, and even if I do, the present condition of the roads between Argyle and Flower Mound is an unknown. The imaging facility itself is closed today, and the rolling power outages experienced yesterday provide additional insight concerning the magnitude of the winter wonderland that is Denton County.

Tuesday 01 February 2011
It is a snow day in Argyle. I fancy one snow day per year. This one is unusual, in that a layer of sleet was buried beneath 2-3 inches of snow.

January 2011 News March 2011 News

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