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News - March 2011

Saturday 26 March 11
My brother David, uncle Harold and I met in Waco today for a visit to the Texas Ranger Museum and the Dr. Pepper Museum. This was a nice change of pace and one I hope to repeat soon, as we did not have time to see the Texas Sports Hall of Fame.

Saturday 19 March 11
My riding mower made its spring debut. I was a bit surprised that it started, since a battery recharge is typically required following a winter seclusion of the machine. The engine turned over slowly, yet with enough sustained determination to eventually catch and start. The mower roared to life as if to thank me for the privilege to be of service. This is how it happens for me ministerially as well. There are periods of apparent inactivity, often changing in an instant to a call for action, normally simple things. Random acts of kindness top the list, like at a restaurant recently when I felt compelled to buy the lunch for a policeman in line behind me. The genuinely surprised look on his face confirmed that I had responded correctly to the prompt. I think kindness and generosity are always in vogue and cool, so be hip and cool as the hot summer approaches and do something nice for someone today!

Friday 18 March 11
I brought our irrigation system on line today. Water pressurized the pipes for the first time this spring as the main cut-off mechanical valve was opened. There were no cracked pipes or broken sprinkler heads found as I stepped through all eight stations. This is good news, because I do not fancy the task of a major system repair.

Sunday 06 March 11
This is my first post since 20 Feb 2011 (sorry for the gap). A summary of what has transpired during the past two weeks follows: My daily Bible reading has found me in the amazing books of Isaiah and Jeremiah with all kinds of great versus, thoughts and promises from the Lord to me and all who take the time to study God's Word. I had lunch with my two eldest sons at TCU in late February. New Zip codes continue to be sent to the prayer pager. The translation of An Unremarkable Man into Polish is almost complete. The audio book edition of An Unremarkable Man is underway and I anticipate the release of said audio book in late summer. I started my Trans Am for the first time in two months. I was pleased that the machine roared to life after its winter hibernation without any drama or need to charge the battery. I have been putting in long hours at work and have attended Argyle High School color guard competitions in several venues. So it has been one good day after another, a stubborn sinus infection notwithstanding.

February 2011 News April 2011 News

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