Aimee's Recital
Aimee's Recital

News - June 2004

Monday, 21 June 04
Began the third round of temodar chemotherapy today. Rather than doing 400 mg for five days as in round two, the plan this time is to do 140 mg for 14 days. This approach allows me to avoid Zofran while picking up additional efficacy with a longer dosage of temodar.

I am still taking mushroom extract, green tea, milk thistle and ruta-6 supplements. Celebrex continues as well at a 400 mg/day level. I have suspended the accutane pending the results of the analysis by Dr. Berger.

Sunday, 20 June 04
A nice father’s day with the family. I am truly blessed to be able to be with my wonderful wife and five children.

Thursday, 17 June 04
Met with Dr. Virginia Stark-Vance at her Ft. Worth office, which is only 11 miles from my office at EFW. She recommends that I take 200 mg of thalidomide per day, as opposed to the 800 mg/day dosage from UT Southwestern and 400 mg/day dosage from M.D. Anderson. Dr. Stark-Vance suggested a sample of the tumor tissue be sent to Dr. Peter Berger at John Hopkins for a detailed diagnostic evaluation, such as looking for the EGFR growth factor. More info about the beast is needed to develop an optimal treatment plan. If EGFR is not present for instance, then there is no need to take accutane (which I had been taking at a 200 mg/day level with resulting impact to my skin). Perhaps Dr. Berger can explain the extensive calcification originally seen, but never explained, in the tumor in February. Dr. Stark-Vance agreed with my suggestion to do blood work on alternate weeks instead of each week as before.

The next MRI will be 12 July 04. Please start praying now for a clean scan!

Monday, 14 June 04
CBC blood analysis is again great. There have been no issues since these regular draws began in March.

Saturday, 5 June 04
Watched Aimee take part in "The Golden Oldies" presentation. How nice it was to be in attendance and congratulate her after the recital!

Tuesday, 08 June 04
Hair loss continues, even though the radiation treatment concluded in mid-April. Most people I have spoken with have said that the hair will return, but could require a full year to grow thick again.

Tuesday, 01 June 04
Most of the soreness in my right jaw from the surgery of 2/4/04 is gone now. The low level ringing in my right ear seems to have stopped. Dr. Cho thought that this ringing was due to the radiation treatment, as the right ear canal is located near the extreme edge of the treatment area.

One interesting, but trivial item, is the fact that my toenails, which have been infected for years with a fungus that makes them thick and discolored, has started to fade away as the nails continue to grow. The medications that I have been taking seem to be active against this toe fungus.

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