Jerry, Kathy and Aric at LTN 2005 (Ft. Worth)

The Light the Night (LTN) blood cancer awareness and fundraising walk was held the evening of Sunday, 16 October 05 at
Sundance Square in Ft. Worth, about the same time in October as the 2004 walk. There are actually half a dozen walks planned
for the North Texas area during 2005. The company for which I work, EFW, is a major sponsor of LTN, as demonstrated at the
EFW kickoff event for LTN in July.

A view from Behind

Most of the pictures that I am in from the walk show the back of my head. Here, Bob Limbocker listens in disbelief as I explain my plans for world conquest! Actually, I am reporting to Bob that I have had 11 consecutively clean bi-monthly MRIs since brain surgery 20 months ago.

Etty's Sympathy

In this pic, the back of my head is again captured as I chat with Etty, another cancer survivor.

The Praying Mantis Prepares to Strike

The high performance camera with lightening fast shutter speed used to take this photo captures me demonstrating
my signature praying mantis technique as I prepare to capture an insect that has just landed on my wife's shoulder.
This shot also presents a view of the back of my head.


Looks can be deceiving. I am not slinking about with a cigar in my hand on my way to the Saloon.
At least this pic is not focussed on the back of my head.

Copyright 2005 by Jerry D. Kline. All rights reserved.