Argyle Band Banquet
Argyle Band Banquet

Aric's Piano Recital
Aric's Piano Recital

Recommended Listening
Somer Hood's Legacy

News - May 2007

Tuesday, 22 May 07
Commencement for the Argyle High School class of 2007. Seems like just yesterday Andrew was a little boy, now he is a young man.

Sunday, 20 May 07
I finally found the 1979 blue Trans Am that I have seen around town for the past month or so. The ever-alert Andrew spotted this machine a week or so ago and spoke to Chris the ower of the car. Today was a photo op. I am told that this car is for sale...

Friday, 18 May 07
The annual Argyle High School Band Banquet was held tonight at the University of North Texas. We have attended several of these events, but now Andrew is a senior and will be graduating next week, so the banquet took on a new meaning.

Thursday, 17 May 07
Aric and the rest of the 4th grade from Argyle's Hilltop Elementary School returned from camp at Forest Glen this afternoon. Hats off the the teachers and parents who made the trip, as it is obvious that the kids had a great time.

Tuesday, 15 May 07
Kathy and I enjoyed the Argyle Bands Spring concert this evening. All four of our awesome AK teenagers are in involved in the Argyle music program.

Sunday, 06 May 07
Kathy and I attended the Legacy Brain Foundation's 2nd annual Celebration of Life program today. This turned out to be a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon: meeting other brain tumor survivors and their families and listening to the music of 10 year gbm survivor David M. Bailey.

Saturday, 05 May 07
Aric's piano recital was last night, along with other students from the Lone Star Music Academy in Flower Mound, Texas. I enjoyed watching him play and wondered from where the Kline kids get their musical ability and talent. Must be from Kathy, as I seem to have none!

Friday, 04 May 07
Today marks 39 months since brain surgery to remove a high grade brain tumor. Your prayers and the Lord's mercy have carried me from February 2004 to this point in time, accompanied by 20 MRIs and one PET scan. Next MRI will be 01 June 07.

Wednesday, 02 May 07
I received a CD last week from Gordon Hood, whose daughter Somer fought the good fight against a gbm brain tumor in the early 2000s. May I be so bold as to suggest three things: (1) visit Somer's website and (2) request a free CD for yourself. (3) Then listen to all 12 songs and her testimony. My favorite tune of Somer's is Track 7, Through Every Storm, which continues to play over and over in my head.

April 2007 NewsJune 2007 News


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