
Aaron and Friends
Aaron and Friends

Who is this?
Who is this man?

Aaron is a Member of the NHS
Induction into the NHS

On the Shelf for 15 Years
On the Shelf

My wife at Mom's
Easter at mom's

In the bag
Easter at nana's

News - April 2007

Sunday, 29 April 07
Today I was minding my own business (for a change) when I was suddenly bushwacked by Aric and Aimee with Silly String. Ever prepared, I whipped out my own cans of the string and the rest, as they say, is history...

Friday, 27 April 07
The last few days have seen the spectacle of our female cat, Savannah, roaming around the house screeming like a chicken looking for a boy cat. I had no idea that cats could make noises like this. The available male cat, whom I refer to as the BBC (big boy cat) was "fixed" some time ago, and so he shows no interest whatsoever in her. After the smoke clears, we will have Savannah spade. In the meantime, we will continue to confine Savannah to the house and garage and wear earplugs as necessary.

Thursday, 26 April 07
Today's is Aimee's 13th birthday. So we now have four teenagers. Brethren, pray for us. :)

Sunday, 22 April 07
Aaron is now a part of the Denton BIble Church orchestra. He joins several friends from the Argyle Band who play each week at DBC. It seems just like yesterday that we were dedicating Aaron at DBC as a little child, and now here he is using his musical talents for the glory of God.

Thursday, 19 April 07
I drove my Trans Am to work today in honor of three very special friends who have been visiting the company for the past 10 days.

Tuesday, 17 April 07
Aaron and 65 other students from Argyle have been inducted into the National Honor Society. Many proud parents here tonight, present company included.

Friday, 13 April 07
Friday the 13th is sometimes associated with bad luck. I am not superstitious, but the number 40 has been on my mind for a decade, and even more since February 2004.

Wednesday, 11 April 07
Digging through some old DVDs and Beta tapes recently, I unearthed some cassette tapes, even new blank ones that have remained in their original wrapping for 15 years! I took one of these tapes, recorded the song In the City from the Eagles' Farewell Tour DVD and have been listening to it as I drive to and from work. A tape that sat on the shelf since the early 1990s is now the center of attention as I listen to and then rewind the tape over and over again. So it is with God. He can take a unnoticed shepherd boy and make him a king. A forgotten prisoner becomes Vice President of Egypt. Fishermen follow Him and are transformed into fishers of men. God has not forgotton about you either. Take a look around, chances are you are already in the game, perhaps in ways unnoticed by you.

Sunday, 08 April 07
Kylie Trost is now two years post-op. It is always nice to remember and celebrate other survivors of brain tumors. Another example, David M. Bailey was born on the 4th of July. That is, his survivor anniversary is 7/4/96.

Saturday, 07 April 07
The traditional easter egg hunt was accomplished today at my mom's home. This is the house that my brother David and I occupied in 1970 along with mom and dad. Mom has been there ever since, David and I have our own domains and my dad went to be with the Lord in November of 1980, taken from us when I was just 23 years old and dad was only 48 years old.

The egg hunt this year was different because of the cold and even snow flakes falling upon the land - in April no less! We just stayed inside the house and the kids drew eggs from several huge bags. Of course, Easter is not really about bunnies and eggs. Have you ever pondered the real meaning of this day?

Wednesday, 04 April 07
The 4th of each month is an anniversary of the surgery to remove the brain tumor. The neurosergeon, Dr. S. Sam Finn had declared in early February 2004, just prior to surgery: "I am not God" to which I had affirmed: "Yes I know, but you are the Lord's instrument to save my life, as He so chooses."

Monday, 02 April 07
My 21st scan (20 MRIs, and 1 PET) has been reviewed as clean! Again the Lord has favored me with a clean MRI, an excerpt of which reads as follows: "Unchanged appearance of the post surgical changes at the right temporal lobe with overlying craniotomy. No interval abnormal enhancement. Encephalomalacic enlargement of the right temporal horn and nonenhancing signal in this right temporal lobe as previous. Unchanged moderately prominent right periventricular white matter corona radiata and centrum semiovale, nonenhancing signal in the frontal and parietal white matter. The extension to the right frontal cortex anteriorly is also unchanged. Unchanged mild left periventricular nonenhancing signal adjacent to the lateral ventricles."

No interval abnormal enhancement, cortical infarction, bleed or hydrocephalus. The pituitary gland, infundibulum, and optic chiasm remain normal as do the orbits including the retroocular fat, optic nerves, and extraocular muscles. No abnormal signal in the paranasal sinuses or mastiod air cells. The brainstem, middle cerebellar peduncies, cerebellum and cerebellar tonsile are normal. Forward flow in the basilar artery and bilateral cavernous segments of internal carotid arteries. Stable appearance with no interval localizing pathology."

An interesting aspect of these reports is that people like me cannot tell if there are any typos in the text.

My CBC results are also favorable, so I am ready to resume the Temodar chemo. But now there is to be a change, I will take Temodar on a 14/14 schedule for one month, and then skip a month.

March 2007 NewsMay 2007 News


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