Senior Aaron
Senior Aaron

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Top Mustang Ace
The Ace


News - May 2009

Wednesday, 27 May 09
CBC test results from today show good platelet counts. The platelet reduction associated with Carboplatin will probably appear in the blood test next Monday. The slightly higher white count from today is consistent with my seasonal allergies.

Monday, 25 May 09
Memorial day is a time of national reflection. We honor the men and women of the armed forces who gave their lives in the defense of our country. I have been reading books about our military heroes for four decades. Clouds sometimes form in my eyes when I sing or hear our national anthem. Truly God has blessed America. Now it is time for America to bless God.

Sunday, 24 May 09
I attended all three services at my church's Argyle campus to distribute information about CERI's ministry to orphans in Moldova. The key handout was a flyer I had prepared the previous day. Seven people showed more than a passing interest in this outreach opportunity. I am anxious to hear back from these people soon. Thanks for all who helped me in this endeavor.

Saturday, 23 May 09
The yard was partially subdued today with the use of my riding mower and the push mower. The grass was tall, thick and slightly wet. The drama reached a peak when the riding mower started to produce white smoke. I'm not sure how it happened, but the belt from the drive shaft to the blades worked its way off of the pulley. I should make a video about my adventures with my riding mower. The blade breaks, the gauge wheel gets sheared off. The machine won't mow level. The mower won't start due to a stuck float in the carburetor. I fail to see a stump while attending to a neighbor's yard and end up straddling the stump. A concealed garden hosed is sliced. The battery needs recharging or maybe it should be replaced. The extreme benefits of doing yard work more than compensate for these inconveniences. I just look to the heavens, smile and say, "very funny!"

Friday, 22 May 09
The annual band banquet this evening was a marathon event. Four hours were required for the program. When you have much celebrate, much time is required!

Thursday, 21 May 09
I have surmised the source of my general medical disposition this week. Carbo is the main cause, but seasonal allergies (sneezing, sore throat and coughing) also played a major part.

Tuesday, 19 May 09
A rough day, due to the Carboplatin injection from yesterday. I probably should not have attended the Legacy Brain Foundation Board meeting tonight.

Monday, 18 May 09
The strong Platelet count measured today enabled me to receive Carboplatin infusion #3. I also took an Avastin infusion. The nurses had a difficult time getting a vein in my arms to accept the small plastic needle. They finally had to use a vein on the top of my left hand. This is certainly all my fault. My failure to properly hydrate before this morning's appointment led to this problem. I begin consuming large quantities of water starting a day or two prior to such blood draws or infusions.

I should think that after five years of this routine, I would be more than aware of the need to hydrate in preparation for a blood draw. The scar tissue that results from each and every needle poke might have raised the need to hydrate to a requirement to hydrate. In other words, the numerous needle insertions over the years have left and continue to leave an increasingly less slice of vein wall areas to penetrate with each procedure. The probabilty of failure thus increases accordingly. Plump, hydrated veins, however, will exposed new targets for the needle. There is also the thought of having a port installed in my chest for quick connect and disconnect of IV main lines.

Saturday, 16 May 09
The odomometer on my 1999 Ford Taurus shows 170,000 miles. This vehicle continues to be the best car I have ever owned from a reliability and dependability point of view.

I took the Taurus to Kwik Kar in Argyle this morning for a routine oil change. I asked Tom the owner if they could break loose the bolts holding the two blades to the mowing deck of my riding lawn mower. I have done this myself in the past, but I cannot budge the bolts this time. Kwik Kar did this for me with no problem, using an air impact wrench. They also installed the new blades and provided guidance concerning bearing lubrication of the pulley shafts. It is amazing what you can do with the right tools and resources. Kwik Kar went beyond the call, and I hope their business continues to thrive.

Thursday, 14 May 09
Kathy and I have four children in various bands in the Argyle ISD. This week was devoted to spring concerts. Aimee is part of the Jazz band, the concert I enjoyed the most due to the change in music style. Aric was given the Band Director's Award for service. Austin and Aaron received special recognition, and we also learned at the concert that Aaron is in the top 10% of the senior class of 2009.

Tuesday, 12 May 09
I completed the book George Preddy, Top Mustang Ace. I find stories about brave warriors to be both encouraging and inspirational. This book is out of print; I thank Joe Noah of the Preddy Foundation for parting with one of his reserve copies and the DVD documentating Major Preddy's service to our country.

Wednesday, 06 May 09
The MRI performed Monday has indeed been reviewed as clean! Specifically, "the 4 mm focus of enhancement at the right inferior frontal lobe on 03/13/2009 is not present." I will now have 12 days off. No chemo, no Avastin and no CBC tests. The next event will be a double infusion on 18 May 09. We anticipate my platelets will have recovered by then. Many thanks for your prayers, pages and emails. Many thanks to the Lord for favoring me with a clean scan.

Monday, 04 May 09
The MRI performed today looks clean to me. The radiologist's report will be available Wednesday morning. I was humbled at the imaging facility when the radiologist stopped by for a visit while I sat in the waiting room. He wanted to know how I was doing and what I had been up to. It was my great honor to chat with Dr. Knight for a few minutes. He didn't have to do this. He could have walked right past me and I would not have thought anything at all about it.

Sunday, 03 May 09
We arrived at church this morning to find the police and church parking staff directing people to exit the parking lot. We just made a loop in and out of the parking lot, following the cars in front of us, with many more behind us.The heavy storms last night flooded the main auditorium. Our home is less than two miles from the church, and the water came within four inches of entering our house via the front door Saturday night.

Saturday, 02 May 09
Kathy and I attended the Legacy Brain Foundation's annual Celebration of Life event at the Melrose Hotel in Dallas. Highlights of this brunch included our conversation with a 10-year brain tumor survivor. The entire affair was a refreshing time of hope and encouragement.

We returned home and found the kittens performing feline gymnastics as never before. Truly they are are ready for new homes and we are also ready for the kittens to have new homes. Gypsy, the mother cat, has now begun roaming the house screaming for a boy cat.

Friday, 01 May 09
A productive visit to the offices of Denton County to obtain a certified birth certificate for Aaron. The passport application was accepted and will be expedited. All of this to permit Aaron to accompany me on a trip to Moldova in August. Looking forward to this trip.

April 2009 News June 2009 News

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