Memorial Day 2011

News - May 2011

Monday, 30 May 11
Memorial day is a time of national reflection. We honor the men and women of the armed forces who gave their lives in the defense of our country. I have been reading books about our military heroes for many years decades. Clouds sometimes form in my eyes when I sing or hear our national anthem. Truly God has blessed America. Now it is time for America to bless God.

Sunday, 29 May 11
Baccalaureate services for the Argyle High School Class of 2011 were held this afternoon. It is encouraging to see so many young adults already accustom to making good decisions. More than ever, America needs as many strong and committed people from the next generation as possible.

Sunday, 22 May 11
Aaron is now on his way to Italy, part of a mission trip. I am very proud of His commitment to the great commission, both here and abroad. Andrew is in summer school at TCU. He is a natural leader and will do well in business when he graduates next year.

Friday, 20 May 11
A nice evening was had by all at the Argyle Band banquet. Austin was honored in a special way, as were all of the other seniors in the band. Aimee was recognized as the band librarian and Aric's contribution to the marching band was also highlighted.

Tuesday, 17 May 11
Aric has been accepted into the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra (GDYO) Wind Symphony. Aric auditioned for this organization a few weeks ago and he made the 2nd band. There are four orchestras in all, and here is Aric, still in middle school, entering the next to best band this coming school year. This is a big deal!

Thursday, 12 May 11
Have you ever had an optical camera inserted into your nose? Well neither had I, until today. I have had a sinus and throat issue for about one month, so the ENT doctor though it prudent to take a closer look at my throat. The camera passed through my sinus, the back of my mouth and into my throat. This was a weird experience to say the least. I could actually feel the camera at the back of my tongue. I was pleased when the doctor removed the device and indicated that there was no tumor present. My inflamed throat is due to a viral infection, not a bacterial condition.

Sunday, 08 May 11
The best mother's day yet with the immediate family all gathered together. Lots of laughter and fun just being in each other's presence. I am blessed with a wonderful mom, and a wonderful wife, both of whom deserve every honor this day affords.

Saturday, 07 May 11
A recent storm here in Argyle split a massive Oak tree in our backyard. Half of the tree, which certainly weighted many hundreds of pounds, crashed into the wooden fort that I had build for my kids in the mid 1990s. The fort survived, suffering only minor damage! I completed the task today of cutting the fallen oak tree into manageable pieces. How do I deal with a heavy, battle-hardened tree incursion? One branch at a time. How do I deal with a brain tumor intruder that crashed my world 7 1/4 years ago? One day at a time.

April 2011 News June News

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