Carboplatin Chemo


MRI Procedure
The Return



A Medical Timeline

This page presents my treatments in a graphical format as a function of topic and time.
Please follow the links on the site map and on this page for more information.

1. Tumor identified 30 January 2004. Surgery 04 February 2004. a second surgery was performed on 04 August 2013
2. Conformal radiation and concurrent oral Temodar chemotherapy beginning 08 March 2004, lasting six weeks

3. Monthly Temodar continuing until the fall of 2006. Carboplatin chemo starting in June 2007, discontinued in
November 2007 (return of clean scans). This Carbo cycle was repeated for the second recurrent tumor in March 2009.
One additional Carbo and Avastin cycle was appended to the second tumor treatments, but the tumor returned in April 2010
and then again in November 2010 and yet again in June 2011. I took two rounds of BCNU and Avastin to destroy the beast forever,
but something reappeared in July 2013, prompting the August 2013 surgery.

4. Bi-monthly MRIs during periods of remission and monthly MRIs during periods of recurrent tumor. I have had two PET scans and two CAT scans.

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