The Pager
A small device with a big impact.

Listen to my Prayer Pager Story

Do you need a Prayer Pager?

Pray and Page:

A Prayer and a Pager

Two days before surgery, a package arrived containing a pager and a note stating that I had been added to the prayer chain of First Baptist Church of Richardson (FBCR). Anytime one of these folks prays for me they will call the number of the pager, and then enter "777" or their zip code followed by the "#" key. I do not return these pages, but I am made aware of the fact that I am being remembered in prayer.

I thought pagers were essentially obsolete in this age of email and cell phones, but this pager took on a new role. It was vibrating even before I opened the package and continues to present these prayer receipts to me on a daily basis, occasionally in the very early morning hours. Sometimes multiple notices seem to arrive at once. I am encouraged and humbled by the knowledge that someone is praying for me.

The prayer pager was an instant hit. I know that people are lifting me up to the Lord. I am not in this alone. My immediate family is here, my extended family is here and my brothers and sisters in Christ at FBCR are also on the scene, though unseen. I return their prayers, without the pager, asking God to richly bless those who pray for me.

The arrival of these prayer pages is in some ways tactical and in other ways strategic. Some pages evoke a response, either coming or going – a bidirectional network of support. There are even imperialistic pages. It seems that a buzz is often received just at the right moment, when I need encouragement. It is as if these random pages are not random at all. They are released incrementally as needed. Other receipts arrive like clockwork everyday, thereby providing day-to-day stability like a vitamin. I can always count on a “777” wake up page each workday and an “831” page twice everyday.

A vibrating pager creates opportunities. I’ll be in a meeting or at lunch with friends or at the dentist’s office or the eye doctor when the device lights up. A pager with a fresh battery makes a unique sound, even in vibrate mode. People ask about the noise or remark: “Someone is trying to get a hold of you.” Indeed someone has already gotten a hold of me! I leverage these outreach moments to tell my story (greatly abbreviated) and let the group know that I am being prayed for. Side conversations can ensure then or thereafter, but a seed has been sown for sure. If the sounding of the pager would be truly disruptive, I will turn it off or position it so as to keep the sound below an audible level. I do not use the pager as a carnival side show; it is serious business to be treated with respect. It brings a smile to my face and heart, but it is not a show-and-tell trinket.

The life of a prayer pager is hazardous. My first pager vibrated off of the table several times and finally fell into a state of disrepair. Pager number two was inadvertently attached to my person when I jumped into a swimming pool. The third pager has been with me for many years now. My prayer pagers were provided by FBCR, but there is an organization specifically dedicated to this ministry of hope. Please visit to request a free pager.

I continue to wear the prayer pager like a six shooter strapped to my side. And I still receive encouragement from those delightful beeps and vibes. The circle has grown vastly, with more than 100 Zip Codes from all over the United States arriving on the pager viewing window since the winter of 2004. I am not the only person in the world who carries a prayer pager. There are about 35 pager numbers programmed into my cell phone and I hit these numbers as the Lord prompts. If a person’s name pops into mind, I pause to say a brief prayer for them and then page them. I do not have to page someone after I pray for them; I do so only if I have the chance. There is nothing magical about the process. It is not a ritual or mantra. For example, Let’s say I’m in a business meeting, making a presentation when a name jumps into my mind between Power Point slides. I do not halt the pitch, pray, page then resume the meeting. I keep going, making a mental note, or perhaps jotting down the person’s name on my note pad. Then there are reflexive prayers – when the person’s name is mine. I pray for clarity of speech, command of the facts and a professional style. Just a quick word or two is needed.

So how about you? Do you pray? Have you ever felt a tug on your heart to pray for someone? Answer the call. You might just be that person through whom the Lord provides encouragement and hope. You pray, the Father hears you and answers your requests at just the appointed time. So don’t miss a note when the Conductor points the wand at you. There are no breaks in the prayer concert.

Have you ever been down and felt your spirit re-energized? All of a sudden you discover a path forward and the problem doesn’t appear to be as severe as you thought. How does this happen? It most assuredly was brought on by someone’s prayer, whether recent or in the distant past. There is power in prayer. Discover this world for yourself – that great opportunity to speak directly with God Himself!


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