
We are His Sheep

Jesus refers to Himself as the Good Shepherd in John chapter 10. He is the guardian who, like David, can slay a bear or a lion. (1 Sam 17:34-36 and Amos 3:12). Anytime I am tempted to regard myself as clever, strong or wise, I am reminded that if Christ is the Shepherd, then I am a sheep, even a little lamb. Consider for a moment the absurd sheep.

Sheep are the most helpless and ridiculous of all of God’s creatures. Have you ever noticed that no team is named the Sheep? We have the Chicago Bears, but not the Chicago Sheep. There is the St. Louis Rams, but not the St. Louis Sheep. There are a multitude of reasons for avoiding sheep as a team name.

Sheep look ridiculous, like a barrel with legs. Perhaps the Lord took unused concepts from other animals and compiled them into the sheep. They tend to wander off, oblivious to danger and the world around them. You can shave them for clothing or eat them, but that’s about all.

When threatened, a sheep cannot do anything. Sheep cannot run, walk fast, climb, fly, swim, burrow, emit a foul odor, bite, kick, claw, sting, ram, bristle, hide, roar, assume a defensive posture, retreat into a protective shell, play dead, change color, or anything. All a sheep can do is cry for help and die, unless the shepherd is nearby. A real shepherd is required, not just a boy hired to watch the flock who runs away at the first sign of trouble (John 10:12,13). Sheep need a shepherd devoted to their care.

We are part of His flock. He leads us to pasture, where we find peace and comfort (Ps 23). We are protected by our Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep (John 10:11). We are totally dependent upon Jesus to guide and protect us. If this seems like Greek to you, I invite you to get the big picture.


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