Read the Bible

Our Life is a Vapor, James 5:1,2

Made in the image of God, Genesis 1:3

Abundant Life
John 10:10

Eternal Life
John 3:16

10 Commandments, Ex 20:1-17

Can't Earn God's Favor, Eph 2:8,9

Get The Big Picture...
The Bridge to Eternity

Everything we do, say and think should be viewed in the context of eternity. We are here on this earth for only a brief, fleeting moment, although our busy lives help to mask this fact from us. But in the midst of our hectic, perhaps inwardly focussed days, I invite you to look beyond the temporary and ponder four realities.

The Plan
We are not a cosmic accident. We are humanity, created in the image of God. We stand apart from the rest of creation as unique and distinct. Our creativity, imagination, ingenuity and inventiveness are reflections of being made in His image. God has a plan for you and me concerning eternity; we are not here on this earth just to live a few decades. The Bible says that Jesus was sent to the earth so that we might have a full, abundant life, and ultimately, eternal life. So why did Jesus have to come?

The Problem
Unfortunately, nobody is perfect. And perfection is God's requirement. We all have done things that we should not have, or failed to do something we should have. This is easy to see from the 10 Commandments, found in chapter twenty, verses (sentences) 1 to 17 of second book of the Bible, Exodus. The notation for all of this is Ex 20:1-17. The Bible refers to our imperfections as "sin," and says that this is why everyone must die physically, sooner or later. But the Bible also says that unless we have been forgiven, we will face God's judgment after we die. The story grows even more difficult to bear when we read that there is nothing we can do about our predicament! Our path to forgiveness from God is not a function of anything we can accomplish or a 'good work' that we can do.

Fortunately there is Good News!


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