News - April 2004

Monday, 26 April 04
Good CBC analysis today.

Wednesday, 21 April 04
Chemotherapy ends today - 42 days straight on 140 mg/day of temozolomide.

Tuesday, 20 April 04
I noticed that the prayer pager was not going off any more. This was a cause of concern, until I realized that the battery needed to be replaced again. This is the third battery change needed since I received the pager on 2 February 2004.

Friday, 16 April 04
Six weeks of radiation treatments have now been completed! I got to keep the mask I had to wear during the treatments, and am obtaining other plots and charts as well.

Saturday, 10 April 04
25 of 30 radiation treatments completed (83%). 31 of 42 chemo treatments completed (74%). I am now experiencing mild fatigue, which I am able to handle by the grace of God. No other problems. My ears have begun to turn red and are dry. A cream is applied each evening to deal with this. Hair continues to fall out in radiated areas. Still able to exercise, but the treadmill was not repaired on 06 April - Sears says they will come to repair it next Tuesday.

Wednesday, 07 April 04
Dr. Cho has released me from the dexamethasone steriod! What began in January has now concluded. I can also discontinue the use of the Protonix stomach drug, which is used to preclude the formation of ulsers.

I have mild ringing in my ears that is only noticible in relatively quiet environments. Dr. Cho believes that this is due to the radiation, as my ear canals run near the edge of the treatment area and are therefore being hit with radiation. He expects the ringing to cease some period of time after the end of radiation treatments.

Tuesday, 06 April 04
Blood drawn on 05 April shows excellent white blood count, red cell count, hemoglobin levels and platelets after 22 radiation treatments and 25 chemo treatments.

Saturday, 03 April 04
20 of 30 radiation treatments completed (66%). 24 of 42 chemo treatments completed (57%). No fatigue, nausea, or any other problems. Skin exposed to radiation still doing well. Hair falling out in radiated areas; doesn't seem to show much due to hair from unaffected areas above radiated areas providing a covering. Still able to run two miles and workout with weights. Completed my 7th week of work at EFW (the best company in the world to work for), full-time, post-surgery.

March 2004 NewsMay 2004 News


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