
News - April 2006

Thursday, 13 April 06
I returned home around 8:45 pm tonight and proceeded down the sidewalk towards the garage. I just happen to be looking at the concrete when I saw something jump and recoil in the moonlight. A Copperhead snake, no doubt. Turned on the outside lights, grabbed a flat edge shovel and returned to the snake. He tried to escape, but I nailed him about halfway down his body and rocked the shovel back and forth, trying to cut him into. The snake reared up and began striking the shovel. Snake fangs and venom are not very impressive to inert metal, so while I patiently held the snake in place using shovel #1, my son Aaron brought a second shovel. I placed the blade of the shovel on the shake's head and then stepped on the blade. As I listened to the sound of the snake's head being flattened under my weight (protected by shovel #2), I thought about Genesis 3:15. God promised from days of old that a Son of Man would crush satan's head under His heal. In fact, Messiah would stomp on the enemy with such force that His heal would be bruised. The timing of the destruction of this Copperhead viper could not have been better, with Easter just a couple of days away.

If you are a Christian, rejoice over our deliverance from our sins and unrighteousness. We stand before God justified because of Jesus' death on the cross (Good Friday) and resurrection (Easter). We have, by the grace of God, been shown our spiritual poverty before God and responded to His invitation to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If you are not a Christian, now would be a good time to consider the claims of Christ.

Wednesday, 12 April 06
Kathy and I had a great time at the Amy Grant concert at Bass Hall in Ft. Worth this night. I have been listening to her wonderful music since 1978. This concert lasted 3 1/2 hours - partly because the event was being filmed for a CD and DVD, so some songs were repeated at the end of the show. Vince Gill, Amy's husband, participated in a couple of songs. Today is Vince's birthday.

Sunday, 09 April 06
Finished the first half of the 14th round of chemo. Now it is two weeks off, then repeat the 14 days on / 14 days off chemo and then MRI #16.

Tuesday, 04 April 06
Today makes 26 months since surgery. I am about half way through the 14th round of Temodar chemo.

March 2006 NewsMay 2006 News


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