Speedway Children's Charity
Speedway Charity

The Texas Motor Speedway
Laps for Charity

News - May 2006

Wednesday, 24 May 06
My latest MRI has been reviewed as clean! CBC data is also favorable, so I will begin the 15th round of chemo early next week. Dr. Stark-Vance gave me a copy of the latest research and clinical trials recently completed. One interesting study compared the 5/23 routine (5 days on Temodar, 23 days off each month) to the 14/14 plan, to a relatively low "maintenance" dosage taken everyday. I will review all of the study summaries, but I already know that the daily routine is worth further research.

Monday, 22 May 06
My bi-monthly MRI was accomplished today. The images look good to me (e.g. no evidence to suggest recurrent tumor) , but I will know for sure on Wednesday at Dr. Stark-Vance's office. All 16 post op scans (15 MRIs and one PET scan) have been reviewed as 'clean' since surgery more than 27 months ago. I appreciate the prayer support from everyone, and the prayer pages.

Saturday, 13 May 06
I took my 1976 Trans Am to the Texas Motor Speedway today and paid $50 to drive six laps around the 1.5 mile track to raise money for The Speedway Children's Charities. Lots of fun and I enjoyed seeing the host of interesting cars that showed up. Many Mustangs and Corvettes, but just one other 76 Trans Am. Two of my sons rode with me around the track filming our adventures. My mom, uncle and aunt also came to see this bi-annual event and took pictures. I'm looking forward to the next opportunity on the track, 09 September 2006.

Sunday, 07 May 06
Finished the 14th round of chemo today. Next MRI will be 22 May 06.

Thursday, 04 May 06
Today makes 27 months since surgery.

April 2006 NewsJune 2006 News


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