Broken Pedal
Broken Toy

Broken Car
Broken Car

Broken Mower
Broken Mower

Broken Island
Broken Island

News - April 2008

Sunday, 27 April 08
I'm off to Moldova this afternoon. I am travelling light, just one carry-on, one bag and one light jacket.

Saturday, 19 April 08
There are several repairs of varying magnitude to document. The drum pedal that ships with the Rock Band video game is a frail plastic assembly that is quickly rendered inoperable by usage. But a solution is available via a metal plate. The Trans Am's brakes have failed. The entire system must be replaced. The bird has been in the shop for two weeks now, while I hum the 70s classic Baby Come Back.

Friday, 18 April 08
I am pondering my trip to Moldova as I drive home after work today. Specifically, the logistics of the 43,500 square foot jungle that is the yard. Or at least it was, until I cut it down by brute force using a push mower this past week. An inordinate period of time was required to reclaim the land using the push machine, the vegetation is returning in response to the recent rains, and if I do not reset the grass, it will be like the Amazon when I return from Moldova in early May. So I am searching for a path forward, and resign myself to getting as much mowed the old school way as I can before the trip. Borrowing a neighbor's mower is not an option due to the many hazards randomly found in our yard.

Later that afternoon, I walked around to the side of the house and there it is! My neighbor Terry, who had hauled off the failed machine a few days ago, has uncerimonously returned the mower. I phone call revealed that he fixed the stuck float in the carburetor, replaced the fuel line, flushed out the fuel system, evacuated the cylinder, cleaned the spark plug, replaced the blades, changed the oil and recharged the battery. What would have been costly at a small engine shop has been accomplished by Terry for no charge. My pleas for payment are refused. So the Lord has met a need in a most extravagant manner. Terry pickup up the riding mower, perfomed the repairs and delivered the restored machine to my home. I am so glad that the other avenues I had attempted, such as borrowing a truck or renting a trailer, failed so miserably! Hats off to Terry: you rock!

Saturday, 13 April 08
Aric and I spent a day at Possum Kingdom Lake, about 115 miles from Argyle. We had the lake all to ourselves, not surprising considering how windy and cold it was. We had hoped to go boating, but the white caps on the lake provided a different opinion. We drove through the camping trails around the lake, in places where we had been told that deer are present and will eat out of your hand. We found no deer. We went to a restaurant that was purported to feature a heafty collection of Video Games, but did not find one that interested Aric. We arrived Friday night and left Saturday late morning.

Yet with all of these deficits, Aric reviewed the trip as fun! He said it was still a road trip, we got to see new things, it was just him and dad, and we should come again! On our way back home, we stopped at several historical markers. I normally do not have an opportunity to see markers such as these, since most of the family would rather continue down the road than halt progress to view a monument. But Aric had no issues with these stops, so we saw the spot where a doctor setup his home to provide housing, rest and food to settlers traveling through this region of Texas in the 1830s. We also read a marker about outlaws in Texas in the 1880s, including Jessie James and Billy the Kid, who evidently frequented this part of the State. And then there was the sign about the Chisholm Trail, which ran from the North to Ft. Worth. Cowboys drove cattle down through Jack and Denton Counties, cutting across what is now US Highway 380. Aric and I do not need ski boats or ATVs to have fun. We just need each other. Aric's middle name is "Benjamin" which means "the son of my right hand" and he more than proved that today.

Sunday, 06 April 08
A delightful visit with a brain tumor person in Dallas. Janie is informed and knows what she is doing in terms of her treatments. Her strength is returning to her left arm and leg, she is cautiously confident and looks great. I truly enjoyed my time with her and look forward to seeing her again.

In the afternoon, I attempted to do some yardwork. The 17 horse power, 42" cut riding mower started the first time, but then quit while mowing and now will not start. Gasoline is leaking from the air filter. The only mower I have available to tend to our one acre parsel is a 3 1/2 horse power 20" push mower. Looks like I will get sufficient exercise this summer, since we cannot afford to purchase a new riding mower. Maybe the machine I have can be salvaged.

Wednesday, 02 April 08
My plans to travel to Moldova have been finalized. It is hard to describe the anticipation with which I wait for the departure date. You just have to have been there to understand.

March 2008 NewsMay 2008 News

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