Austin's Garden
Austin's Garden

News - August 2004

Tuesday, 31 August 04
Our son Aaron was inducted into the National Junior Honor Society this evening. As today is my birthday, I can't think of a better present to be given than Aaron's accomplishment.

Monday, 30 August 04
Bi-monthly (e.g. twice per month) CBC lab results shows good counts for white cells, red cells, hemoglobin and platelets. Having blood drawn and analyzed was almost an enjoyable experience today, because of a couple of amusing things that happened during my trip to the lab. As I approached the front door of the medical facility, I noticed that the person cleaning the sliding doors was having trouble. Everytime she tried to apply the cleaning agent, the doors would open as her sponge and pole were being detected by the door sensor. I asked if I might be of assistance, and she asked me to flip the switch located at the top of the door frame. She could not reach the switch, but I could. I toggled the switch and the door was then disabled. I resumed my journey to the lab, but noticed two maintenance guys who appeared to be interested in what I had just done with the door. Perhaps I had done something wrong in touching the door settings, so I asked them if everything was okay. "Yes," they said, "but tell us how long have you worked here?" "I do not work here," I replied, "I am a patient." They looked embarrased a bit, thinking the my work badge from EFW was a badge for the hospital!

In the lab, the technician drawing my blood asked me about my birthday plans the following day. It was nice of her to notice on the work order that tomorrow was in fact my birthday. I mentioned that Aaron would be inducted into the National Honor society. "What does he want to be when he grows up," she inquired, to which I said, "I do not know. He likes Chinese, Korean and Japanese history and is a martial artist." She encourages young folks to get into the medical profession, because "we never get laid off!"

Thursday, 26 August 04
Went to the dentist today and learned a couple of things. When you are on chemo and therefore have an immune system under stress, you take one dose of an antibiotic one or two hours before the dentist appointment, because the cleaning processes evidently stirs up quite a bit of bacteria. In my case, I took 600 mg of Clindamycin since I am alergic to penicillin and related drugs. The other thing I learned at the dentist is that agents that can cause dry mouth, like the Celebrex that I have been taking since April, promote tooth decay because the reduced levels of saliva do not wash as much of the bacteria off of your teeth as a normal flow of saliva. I was glad to hear that I did not have dry mouth (didn't think I did), but I was not as glad to hear that I need to get a filling reworked and have two other teeth fixed!

Monday, 23 August 04
The prayer pager has wiped out another AAA battery. This is the 5th battery replacement, representing about 4000 pages received since 2/2/04. I have truly been blessed by the persistent prayers of the folks from First Baptist Church of Richardson. You can read more about this unique ministry.

Friday, 20 August 04
Began the next chemo round today. Like the last time, the plan is to do 14 days of Temodar @ 140 mg/day, then stop the Temodar for 14 days. We found a local pharmacy that can get the Temodar - a nice development as it saves a trip to downtown Dallas to get the agent, or mail ordering the medication. We are continuing the Celebrex and Accutane as well.

Wednesday, 18 August 04
An important date today. Not only is this my brother's birthday, but we also are starting to harvest fruit from the garden. We got a cantaloupe, a cucumber and several peppers. The peppers really spice up spaghetti! Lots of watermelons and squash are maturing as well.

Monday, 16 August 04
Monthly visit to Dr. Stark-Vance went well, and the bi-monthly lab blood work indicates good red count, white count, hemoglobin and platelets.

Saturday, 14 August 04
Aaron participates in a Taekwondo competition as a member of Power Kicks Martial Arts Dojang (school). This is an all day event, due to the number of people competing in the tournament. Aaron earned two silver medals. I am just so glad to be able to come along for the ride and be a part of these activities.

Wednesday, 04 August 04
This is the 6 month anniversary of the removal of the beast with clean MRIs on 2/6/04, 5/10/04 and 7/12/04. I gave Kathy an anniversary card to celebrate the occasion - and she gave me a very nice, framed, autographed picture of Dallas Stars hockey player Mike Modano! I have an attitude of gratitude these days; thankful for each day the Lord has given me.

This latest round of Temodar concluded this day as well.

Monday, 02 August 04
CBC analysis shows good red count, white count, hemoglobin and platelets.

July 2004 NewsSeptember 2004 News


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