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News - August 2007

Friday, 31 August 07
Today is my 50th birthday. I do not feel 50, but the math says I am, so I will play along with it. But what better birthday present at the half century mark than a clean MRI? My 24th post op scan was performed today. Following the procedure, I was permitted to spend a few minutes with the radiologist who has reviewed most of my MRIs during the past 3 1/2 years. I would have been more than pleased just to shake the doctor's hand and to thank him for his efforts, but he invited Kathy and me to the review room where we went over the past two scans. We were already familiar with the MRIs from June and July, but we still appreciated the radiologist's time. At the end of said review, the doctor noticed that Kathy was holding the film from today's MRI. He put up the panels on the light rack and commented that the spot is nowhere to be seen. His official report, representing a more thorough study, will be available next Wednesday. We were all grins, from ear to ear and then some. Sticking with the same imaging facility is a lesson learned.

Thursday, 30 August 07
Finished reading 90 Minutes in Heaven, a book on my recommended reading list. Next project is God's Smuggler.

Saturday, 25 August 07
Tonight is a car show, similar to the show from July 2006. My Trans Am won best in class for 1970s cars, and Andrew's Mustang GT won best of show for 1980s and later cars. But the main thing is that car shows, or anything of mutual interest, provides an opportunity and platform for a father and son event.

Wednesday, 22 August 07
My CBC report from today shows good levels of white blood cells, red blood cells and hemoglobin. My Platelets, however, have fallen to a new low. Dr. Stark-Vance indicated that Carboplatin does diminish platelets, often without impacting the other three parameters. There is no known supplement or injection that can mitigate this effect - a person's body has to recover on its own. So due to this low Platelet count, and given the fact that I have customer meetings Monday through Thursday of next week, and also given the fact that Dr. Stark-Vance's office is closed on Friday afternoons, and since Monday is labor day, and because her Ft. Worth office is closed on Tuesdays, in favor of her Dallas office, I will have an MRI on Friday, 31 August 07 and the next chemo infusion will be in two weeks, if the MRI report shows an absence of the tumor or at least no progression, and if the CBC test that will be performed at that time shows a good platelet count. All of this works well, as it affords my system an additional week to recover.

Tuesday, 21 August 07
The medical trials of the past 3 1/2 years have brought about changes in my perspectives. I find the Lord turning me upside down and inside out.

Saturday, 18 August 07
Picked up Aric from the Pine Cove Tower Camp this morning, enjoying a nice leisurely scenic road trip through East Texas in my 1999 Ford Taurus (31 mpg on this trip!). Located near Tyler, Texas, Pine Cove is a distinctly Christian camp sporting some of the finest college age counselors on the planet. With 200 high energy elementary kids at this particular camp, you'd think that the camp staff would be at their wit's end at the conclusion of this week, but I found everyone to be courteous, friendly, and enthusiastic. In fact, as you enter the campgrounds, the parking facilitators are literally jumping up and down, which I later discovered to be a signature maneuver of the high spirited camp staff.

Aric was keen to take me on a tour of the camp. Everything from the cabins to the rock wall, the swimming pool, canoes, horses, the rock (cafeteria) and the mud pit. The closing ceremony sealed the deal for me: Aric's week at Pine Cove was time and money well-spent.

Saturday evening found us at mom's home, celebrating two birthdays, my brother David's b'day and my 50th birthday.

Friday, 17 August 07
It is 103 degrees in North Texas today, and Kathy and Aimee presented the 2007 Frosty Friends ornament to me. What a nice surprise! I have been collecting this series since 1984. I find it almost unbelievable that Christmas ornaments have already been released.

Wednesday, 15 August 07
An Avastin infusion and blood work are the order of the day. Platelets are low, but that has been seen before - they will be back within normal limits within two weeks. Avastin is not a chemo agent, so it was administered in spite of the low platelet reading.

Monday, 13 August 07
A new page dealing with famous Bible phrases is now available.

Sunday, 11 August 07
Kathy took Aric to a week-long camp near Tyler, Texas today. I will retreive Aric on Saturday. A new page dealing with fatigue was posted today as well.

Wednesday, 08 August 07
The CBC report returned favorable results today. My platelets have actually increased since last week. Next major event is one week from today, when I receive a non-chemo infusion of the Avastin agent.

Saturday, 04 August 07
Today is my 3 1/2 year anniversary of surgery to remove a brain tumor. I thank the Lord everyday for every day He gives me. I celebrated this day in part with a triple car wash of the Trans Am.

Wednesday, 01 August 07
My CBC results show a return of platelets to normal levels, so I received a Carboplatin injection, along with the non-chemo Avastin as well. The 10 cc vile was filled with blood from my left arm because of a nodule of some sort that has developed under the skin of my right arm in the area of the previous infusion - a condition that often happens from injection chemo, so I am told. If blood only needs be drawn, the left arm poses no problem, but if an injection is required, such as Carbo chemo or Magnevist contrast agent, we usually use the right arm because those right arm veins are easier to find and seem to accept incoming fluids more readily than the left arm.

July 2007 NewsSeptember 2007 News


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