New Your City
New York City

Aric's Baptism
A Baptism

Mapes Family Reunion
A Reunion

A Threat

July 4th, 2007
July 4th, 2007

Laser Tag
Laser Tag in the Dark

Carboplatin Infusion #2
Chemo Injection

A leaking Sunroom
Leaking Sunroom

News - July 2007

Monday, 30 July 07
We returned from New York this evening, one day later than anticipated, due to our flight being cancelled yesterday. We had a nice time in the Big Apple.

Wednesday, 25 July 07
I received the MRI report today from the scan performed on Monday. It says, in part: “The previously described abnormal enhancement at the undersurface of the right temporal horn of the lateral ventricle on 06/01/07 has markedly improved and can no longer be identified prospectively on the coronal or axial sequences. On the sagittal sequence, it may have a very minimal enhancement more than adjacent parenchyma when compared to the pre-contrast sagittal. No interval other abnormal areas of enhancement are seen.”

This is very good news! It means that the Carboplatin chemo is working, and that I am almost clean. So we will drop another load of napalm on any residual tumor fragments next week (assuming favorable cbc results) and scan at the end of August. Assuming a truly clean report, the process will be repeated once again and then we will return to bi-monthly scans, as before.

Monday, 23 July 07
An MRI was accomplished today; this time on the 1T machine at ISI in Flower Mound. The nodule we have been watching is missing from the film images, which were created based upon data collected using 5mm slices on a 1 mm skip! The radiologist's report will be received Wednesday morning. Many thanks for many prayers.

Sunday, 22 July 07
Aric was baptized today, publically affirming his belief and acceptance of Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Aric had accepted Christ a couple of years ago, but we waited to baptize him until now, so he would always remember this day of celebration. We had taken this same approach more than three years ago, when Austin, Aimee and Aaron were baptized.

Baptism is one of only two church ordinances (the other being Communion). Not to be taken lightly, this day was nevertheless filled with joy and laughter. Aric's baptism demonstrates to the world that Aric has the big picture. What about you?

Friday, 20 July 07
The pictures from the Mapes' family reunion have been posted. There are several dozen photos spanning a number of activities that proceeded in parallel, so I thought it best to group the images roughly by topic, rather than building a serial photo album.

Tuesday, 17 July 07
Some difficulty sleeping last night, probably due to the Decadon steroid given for anti-nausea purposes, administered as part of the pre-med ensemble yesterday before the Avastin injection.

Monday, 16 July 07
Avastin injection #4 was accomplished this morning. My CBC results are favorable, although Platelets are low, as before on 25 June 07. Next MRI will be Monday, 23 July 2007.

Sunday, 15 July 07
Four hours of yard work in the muggy, humid, clinging air gave me a reasonably good workout today. There are always artifacts (such as tree limbs, balls and socks, even shoes and a trampoline) to move and relocate to enable an adequate mowing our heavily wooden acre. When I picked up a water tray, which was turned upside down so that the recess of the tray (the part that catches water) faced the ground, and which said tray was leaning against the wooden fort, I found a young Copperhead snake coiled up. He immediately began wagging his forked tongue, trying to wake up to ascertain the significance of the change in the environment. I immediately grabbed my flat blade shovel, and while the three large toads that were also under the lid with the snake hopped away to eat mosquitoes another day, I proceeded to chop the menace in half, then in fourths, then bury alive the parts that were still showing movement, following my policy of dealing with enemies: You hit them on your terms when you are ready and have the advantage. You hit the bad guys with overwhelming force, taking no prisoners and showing no mercy.

Sometimes the best way forward is to disengage, back off and fight another day. Discretion is the better part of valor, which is why I had to let another Copperhead slither off unharmed a few months ago, as he was in the high grass against a metal fence. This adult Copperhead had a clear advantage, so I "stood down," given that the snake was more than 100 feet from our home and was headed further away, into an open field.

Maybe Copperheads provide a benefit to mankind by controlling mice and insects, but a poisonous snake located a mere 30 feet from our home and adjacent to Aric's sandbox is a threat from any angle. The whole campaign today is reminiscent of the snake fully dispatched in April of 2006. A similar attitude has been in effect with the brain tumor for 41 months now…

Saturday, 14 July 07
We had a large time at the family reunion of the Mapes' nation (Kathy's side of the family) at a park near Houston. The rain provided relief from the heat. Tons of food and fun for the 40 people at this event, everything from board games, to video games to basketball to catapults to water guns to frisbees to a saxophone to an accordian to photo ops, to testimonies; this day had it all. I am wading through more than 100 pictures and will post a subset as soon as possible. Many amusing captions have already been formed in my mind.

Friday, 13 July 07
I recently transferred a Keppra prescription Walmart. I subsequently called for a refill of said Keppra and noticed that the Walmart pharmacy phone number is 682-831-1957. I looked, then looked again, then stared at each number for some period of time, as I could not believe that the phone number was my birthday. Still can’t get over this one; what are the chances of this happening? Aimee then pointed out that the DataMax PO Box in Argyle is 426, which is her birth month and day. DataMax is the pen name under which I authored (and continue to iterate) the database software that is used at our Aquakids swim schools and by many other schools in the US.

Wednesday, 11 July 07
Andrew began his relocation from our home to an apartment in preparation for college and to be closer to his job at AquaKids Keller. So our nest is notionally emptier, yet there is a possibility that Andrew, being less than 30 miles from home, might pay us frequent visits.

Tuesday, 10 July 07
Kathy and Aaron returned from the Phantom Regiment Drum Major Camp this evening. Aaron has nothing but good things to say about his experiences at this camp, the 3rd such event this summer for Aaron. Hats off to Kathy, my bride of more than 23 years, whose tireless investment of time and energy in our children continues to build their character for now and the future.

I retreived my Trans Am from Kwik Kar today; most of the vacuum hoses and detection devices have been replaced. The other sensors associated with the vacuum system are on order.

Monday, 09 July 07
Ten cubic centimeters blood were taken today at the oncologist's office for CBC testing, the results of which came back favorable. I also reviewed and recorded my blood pressure, weight, pulse and oxygen levels for all previous visits for my own analysis and possible posting.

Friday, 06 July 07
A series of restorations to the Trans Am begins today at Kwik Kar in Argyle. The plan is to replace the vaccum hoses, all of the weather striping and clean the engine bay. I provided the service manuals and the body guide for 1976 F body style to Kwik Kar. I have prepared a new Trans Am Central site map, showing the true significance of this machine, which is the use of the temporal for purposes of eternity.

Wednesday, 04 July 07
Three things about today: (1) Our nation's birthday, remembered this year with fireworks in our neighbor's back yard, (2) a total of 41 months have elasped since brain surgery and (3) July 4th is David M Bailey’s 11 year anniversary of his gbm removal. This self-described "hippie folk singer" is an incredible guy, as you'll note from the photos and narrative from the Celebration of Life event in May 2007. Better still: see and hear for yourself via David's website and

Tuesday, 03 July 07
Dental check up this afternoon, with the prerequisite antibiotic taken one hour before the appointment. No cavities, no issues, but a revival of my interest in blood pressure measurements - a page under construction.

Monday, 02 July 07
The radiologist's report was received today from the MRI of last Friday, the addendum of which reads: "since the last examination dated 6-1-07, the small nodule of enhancement within the right temporal lobe just inferior to the right temporal horn has nearly completely resolved and is now almost imperceptible on the MRI of the brain, 6-29-07." So the official word is the tumor remains, but has shrunk to the point of disappearance!

We celebrated this good news and the favorable CBC results with an injection of Carboplatin and Avastin. The Avastin will be repeated in two weeks, and a MRI will be performed in late July.

The day finished with a chaperone opportunity at Main Event, where I sat amidst the neon and fluorescent glow falling upon the crowd scurrying about, reading the book Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

Sunday, 01 July 07
We returned home today from the UT Band Camp where Aaron and Austin had spent the previous week. While in route, I finished reading The Diary of Anne Frank, a moving and compelling story that has been translated into more than 30 languages. I hope one day to see the house where the Frank family and friends hid from the Nazis in Holland during WWII.

Upon our return to Argyle, we were greeted with 10 or more gallons of water that had leaked through the sunroom seals and been trapped in strategically placed containers prior to our departure to Austin.

June 2007 NewsAugust 2007 News


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