The AquaKar

Moldova 2009

Moldova 2009
News - August 2009

Monday, 31 August 09
My 52nd birthday was observed today with a cbc blood test and with lunch with Kathy. This was a great day and I am thankful for every moment I am afforded. The summer heat has abated slightly, a much appreciated development.

Sunday, 30 August 09
Due to a surge of positive peer pressure, I finally joined facebook a few months ago. Then I managed to forget that I had a facebook site - until now. I am just happy to have a face with or without a book. Actually, I have a book coming out this fall called An Unremarkable Man. Thus I will have a true face and a book.

Friday, 28 August 09
My six month dental cleaning was accomplished today. I have a filling that will need to be replaced within the next year, so it seems. Otherwise, everything looks okay. The trip to the dentist is a watershed event to me because it signals my intention to continue to fight the tumor, whether a spot is visible on MRI film or not. These office visits are a way of staying plugged into life. They are a message sent by me to me.

Saturday, 22 August 09
Today featured the annual Argyle Marching Band car wash, yard work and a nice gathering of the family at mom's home.

Wednesday, 19 August 09
The effects of a Carbo/Avastin treatment typically peak two days following an infusion. But today I felt good and did not experience any unusual fatigue. I am also able to sleep well at night.

Monday, 17 August 09
The MRI from last Friday has officially been reviewed as clean! My platelet counts look good, so I now enter a chemo maintenance mode. I will continue to receive Carboplatin and Avastin infusions, even though my scans are clean. The tumor has already returned twice, so we have decided to adopt a proactive plan. Rather than waiting for the tumor to return again, Carbo and Avastin will be administered on a bi-monthly basis to keep the microscopic tumor fragments at bay. We hope that by doing this over a period of time, the last remnants of the beast will finally be destroyed.

The infusion today was a battle. My veins kept "blowing." The nurse tried my right arm, then left arm, then my hands but my system would not accept the IV. One final attempt was made. We picked my right forearm and the nurse/patient team did manage to complete the infusion. I would have given up on the infusion today if the right forearm had failed. I bear the battle scars of the multiple failed attempts to establish a line. A notable bruise is visible, but I do not care - we accomplished the mission.

Tuesday, 11 August 09
Aaron and I are back from Moldova. My favorite pictures from this excursion are available for your review.

Tuesday, 04 August 09
Surgery to remove a high-grade brain tumor was performed on this day five and one half years ago. I am 66 months post op and can think of no better way of celebrating this anniversary than being with the orphans of Moldova. I was given hope when I needed it most, and now Aaron and I return the favor.

Saturday, 01 August 09
Aaron and I departed for Moldova this afternoon. This will be my third trip to this eastern European country and Aaron's first. Our mission is to bring hope and encouragement to those who have none. We will be part of a CERI team in Moldova. Our itinerary shows us back in the States on 10 Aug 09. I'd appreciate your prayers for a safe and fruitful trip.

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