

News - September 2009

Monday, 21 September 09
This past weekend was dominated by football. Friday found us in Decatur to watch the Argyle High School Marching Band's half time show. Aimee and Austin are members of the band. Kathy, Aric, Andrew and I witnessed the TCU / Texas State game Saturday afternoon. Aaron is in the TCU marching band. And Sunday was the inaugural Dallas Cowboys game in the new mega-stadium in Arlington. Kathy and I were part of this historic event, along with Andrew and Aaron.

Friday, 18 September 09
I finished reading my father-in-law's book, Why Not Leave Them Alone...? They have their Own Religions. You should read this book, which chronicles the experiences of these career missionaries to Ghana, West Africa. I do not know of anyone who exemplifies the virtues of perseverance and faithfulness better than Russel and Mary Mapes.

Wednesday, 16 September 09
Routine blood check shows strong plate recovery from the Carboplatin infusion last month.

Friday, 11 September 09
A day to remember those who died on this day eight years ago and to the men and women in our armed forces to serve all over the world to protect our freedoms. The 20th century's date of infamy is December 7, 1941. The 21st century's date of infamy is September 11, 2001.

Thursday, 10 September 09
The substantive edit of my book has been completed by Winepress. I was encouraged that the editor's recommended changes did not impact the book in a major way. Those innumerable hours spent reviewing the text before Winepress received the manuscript have now paid off. There were a few things that had to be changed that only a professional editor could catch. Examples include the flow of the story (eliminate abrupt changes) and seeing the book from the reader's point of view.

Wednesday, 09 September 09
Today is interesting because it is 09/09/09 and also because of the message I received while trying to use the copier at work. The screen said, "oversized image detected," which I initially interpreted to mean that I should try to lose weight! I have gained about 20 pounds since the tumor was removed in February of 2004. Dropping a few pounds is difficult because the keppra I take each day is designed to slow me down to reduce the risk of a seizure. This means that my metabolism pulls back a bit as well. I also take decadron as a pre-med for Carboplatin and Avastin to preempt nausea that could be otherwise be created by these agents. An unfortunate side effect of decadron for me is an increased appetite. It would be great if my appetite tracked my real need, but over these years my hunger has remained constant or has even increased, while the true bodily requirement has apparently decreased.

Saturday, 05 September 09
My 1999 Ford Taurus has now reached the 175,000 mile mark. There are remarkable similarities between me and this car.

Tuesday, 01 September 09
I learned today that my book, An Unremarkable Man, is still months away from being published. I had hoped for the availability of the book this fall or at least this year, but this project must not be rushed. The final work must be of a high quality, one that helps people and honors the Lord. So I will wait patiently and be quick to respond to inquiries from the publisher.

August 2009 News October 2009 News

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