Read the Bible

God's Remedy Romans 5:8

The Bridge
1 Peter 3:18

John 1:12

John 10:9-10

Eternal Life
John 5:24

New Creature
2 Cor 5:17

Get the Big Picture

For Your Consideration (part 2)...

God's purpose for humanity is complicated by our shortcomings. His requirement is perfection, but no one measures up to the standard. God's desire to extend His love and mercy to us cannot violate his righteous nature.

God's Remedy
Only God Himself could have found a way to forgive us and without compromising Himself. God's solution was to send His Son, Jesus Christ to the earth. Jesus led the perfect life that we cannot. He never failed to please God the Father during His 33 years on planet earth. And because this was the plan from eternity past, Jesus allowed himself to be executed on a cross, paying the penalty for our sins against God. Because Jesus was perfect, his death was accepted by God the Father as a substitute for for you and me. We will still die physically, but we do not need to face God's judgment. Jesus is the bridge between man and God.

Our Response
We must respond to God's invitation of eternal life. Jesus offers Himself in our place, but His free gift has to be believed and received. You can do this right now by simply asking God to forgive you and come into your life. Asking for God's forgiveness on the basis of what Christ did for you results in eternal life, and removes God's judgment from you. From that point on, you are a 'new creature' in Christ. You will still make mistakes and sin, but you will have a new desire to please God. We all 'grow' as Christians - some grow faster than others, but we all mature in Christ to be more like Him.


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