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News - December 2004

Friday, 31 December 04
We donated our van to the Ft. Worth Can! Academy. Sad to say goodbye to an old friend, but if the proceeds from the sale of the van will help someone get a second chance at life, then we are happy to be part of the process.

Tuesday, 28 December 04
Completed the sixth round of chemo last night to finish out the year 2004. I am at a loss for words to express my gratitude to the Lord for five clean MRIs since surgery in February, and for everyone's prayers. Next MRI will be Friday, 07 January 2005.

Saturday, 25 December 04
Never has there been a more beautiful Christmas day - a white Christmas and everything! I think Christmas on the moon would have been just as incredible for me personally in view of the medical happenings this year.

Monday, 13 December 04
Routine visit to the oncologist went well. CBC results look good, and I began the second half of the sixth round of chemo tonight.

Sunday, 12 December 04
All of our puppies are gone now, having found a new home. We were sorry to see them go, but on the other hand they create quite a mess and it is nice to not have to deal with that any longer.

Monday, 06 December 04
My mother's cancer markers continue to retreat, perhaps due to the Arimidex she takes each day. She is a breast cancer survivor and a remarkable person!

Wednesday, 01 December 04
Our puppies are now six weeks old and ready for new homes. They are very playful - bundles of energy.

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