The Peg Game
The Peg Game

News - January 2005

Sunday, 30 January 05
It was my profound privalege to speak to Dr. Morgan's Sunday night Bible Study group at First Baptist Church of Richardson (FBCR). This was like a homecoming - I have known many of the folks in this class since the 1970s, when I was in Junior High School and they were in their 40s. We are all just a bit older now!

FBCR is the home of the prayer pager. The thing went off 12 times during my visit to Dr. Morgan's class, and I met some of the folks who have been paging me during the wee hours of the morning.

Exactly one year ago today I heard those terrible words from the neurologist, "I'm Sorry Mr. Kline, but you have a brain tumor." Now 12 months later, I am thankful and anxious to tell what the Lord has done for me.

Monday, 24 January 05
Finished the first half of the seventh round of chemotherapy tonight. I now get two weeks off of the chemo, then we repeat the procedure for two weeks, then two more weeks off, then the next MRI around 07 March 05.

Monday, 10 January 05
At today's visit to the oncologist, Dr. Stark-Vance confirms that I am clean! This is my 6th consecutive MRI showing "no evidence of any recurrent tumor mass," representing nearly a year's worth of treatments. The doctor stated that folks "need to know that there are people like you running around - that there is hope for individuals with a brain tumor diagnosis." Meeting, talking and corresponding with other survivors has certainly been a huge source of encouragement for me. The advice of survivors also helped me select the chemo approach and supplemental agents to use during 2004.

One interesting test I take during each office visit is a variation of the Peg Game. Instead of removing the pegs, however, you see how fast you can insert them into the wooden triangle block. The test is performed twice. Once using only the left hand and once using only the right hand. My usual time to insert all 15 pegs is 22 seconds. My best time is 19 seconds.

CBC results look good, and I begin the first half of the seventh round of chemo tonight.

Friday, 07 January 05
My bi-monthly MRI was accomplished this morning. Halfway through the procedure, approximately 20 cc of Magnevist was injected as a contrast agent and then the scan was repeated. Doing this helps imaging experts determine if a tumor is present. On the first injection attempt, after about 5 cc had been injected, the technician announced that my "vein had blown," so we switched to the other arm. I have two bruises from this MRI, but the only thing that really matters is that my preliminary review of the film leads me to believe that this scan is clean - free of any tumor regeneration. I will find out for sure on Monday, when I receive the doctor's report.

Sunday, 01 January 05
It is great to be alive and with the family on New Year's Day. I find myself sometimes awake in the middle of the night for no apparent reason - I will just wake up at 3:30 am or some other odd time. When this happens, all I can say is "thank-you" to the Lord over and over again in my mind as I ponder the events of 2004. Then I fall asleep again...

December 2004 NewsFebruary 2005 News


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