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1976 Trans Am
1976 Trans Am

2002 Frosty Friends
2002 Frosty Friends

News - December 2005

Tuesday, 27 December 05
It appears that my extended hunt for another 1976 Trans Am to replace my original Trans Am has been successfull! The process to acquire this car was 'deep and wide' but today the TA was picked up from the seller and taken to the transporter's regional terminal in Michigan. I anticipate delivery to Argyle, Texas in mid to late January 2006.

Monday, 26 December 05
Began the 2nd half of the 13th round of chemo. The typical scenario is two weeks on chemo and then two weeks off of chemo. This 'half' cycle is then repeated, but because a half cycle's duration is 28 days, and because each month is actually longer than four weeks, the start date for each subsequent chemo half cycle tends to 'walk up' the next month. So periodically, I 'reset' everything by adding a week to a half cycle so that I am on chemo for two weeks and off of chemo for three weeks.

Sunday, 25 December 05
Christmas in Dallas, Texas at my mom's home with my brother and his family. No football games, perhaps out of mercy for me! Actually, I was pleased at how quickly the soreness left from the football games of the preceeding days. Christmas at mom's is the sumit of continunity. She has lived in the same house since 1970. This is the home I grew up in from Junior High School on. Mega tons of good memories in this abode.

Thursday-Saturday, 22-24 December 05
Christmas in Harlington, Texas. Many nieces, nephews, sisters-in-laws, brothers-in-law and Kathy's parents - the children are growing up way too fast! Great touch football games. So great, in fact, that I could hardly walk on the 24th! I visited the Iwo Jima Memorial on the 23rd, an emotionally moving moment.

Sunday, 17 December 05
Today is Kathy and my 22nd wedding anniversary. What a blessing she has been and continues to be - I married way above my head. Seems just like yesterday, but boy how the years go by so quickly. How can it be that my first born son is nearly 17 years old now and wears a size 13 shoe, and I have been wearing a size 9 shoe for 30 years?! Sometimes I can almost see the days falling from the calendar like the leaves from the trees.

Thursday, 15 December 05
I received the 2002 Frosty Friends Hallmark ornament today from Linda Wilson, the Ornament Queen. I now have all of the Frosty Friends in the series since I began collecting them in 1984. I had somehow missed the 2002 Snow Fort Frosty three years ago when it was released, but the one received from Linda is perfect, in mint condition.

Sunday, 04 December 05
Tonight I completed the 1st half of the 13th round of chemo. Two weeks off, and then the chemo resumes. I have had 12 clean, bi-monthly MRIs since surgery 22 months ago. It is with a sense of gratitude and humility that I embrace the Christmas season.

November 2005 NewsJanuary 2006 News


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