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Argyle Band takes State!
Argyle Band Takes State!

News - November 2005

Friday, 18 November 05
My 12th post-operative MRI has been reviewed as clean! Compare my latest scan with the one from January 2004, before surgery. Even now, looking at this monster is a bit unnerving! I did the peg game in 17 seconds with the left hand and 20 seconds with my right hand. Bi-monthly CBC results are favorable, so I begin the 13th round of chemo on Monday. I appreciate you prayers and emails.

Friday, 11 November 05
On this day in 1980 my father moved from his earthly existence into his heavenly home and saw Jesus Christ face to face. I rejoice for him, but continue to grieve for those of us left behind. Dad would have loved my wife Kathy and my brother David's wife Linda, and would have been so happy with his grandchildren. And he would have continued to cherish my mother. I am thankful to God for the years that the four of us had together and for the memories - and for the dreams that I still have about my dad to this day; he was a godly husband and father.

25 years seems like yesterday. I look forward to seeing dad in heaven one day. I can only imagine what that will be like.

Wednesday, 09 November 05
Finished the 12th round of chemo today. Next MRI will be 11/16/05 (Wednesday). Your prayers for a clean scan are appreciated.

Monday, 07 November 05
The Argyle High School Marching Band has won the division 2A state competition (again)! This means that my sons Andrew and Aaron are part of the best high school band in the state of Texas in division AA. The Argyle Band's performance today is a repeat of their accomplishment in 2003. Our whole family went to San Antonio, as did many other band parents and siblings, to be a part of this event; one that we will never forget.

October 2005 NewsDecember 2005 News


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