Aimee: Level 7 Gymnast
Level 7 Gymnast

Andrew: All State Trombone Player
Andrew: All State

The Pledge on KLTY

The Pledge on KLTY

Click the "II" button
to stop the pledge.


News - February 2007

Saturday, 24 February 07
Tonight was Aimee's first competition as a Level 7 gymnast. I thought she would be nervous, but she finished with the top score of all the contestants, 37.775 point out of a total possible 40 points! She was in the zone, and you could see the resolve on her face during the meet. Aimee is an amazing athlete.

Saturday, 17 February 07
The whole crew returned late this evening (11:45 pm) from San Antonio, where we had watched the All State High School Band perform. This year, the All State symphonic band includes our son Andrew. We are so proud of Andrew for all of his accomplishments during High School. Two State Marching championships, innumerable area and region awards and now the afore mentioned All State Band.

Wednesday, 07 February 07
Each school day, students across the nation recite the Pledge of Alligence as the morning begins. Radio station KLTY 94.9 FM in North Texas airs one pledge each week day. You record the class saying the pledge, send a cassette or CD to KLTY, and then Mr. Rick contacts you to let you know when the Pledge will be played. Today was the day for Aric's 4th grade class at Hilltop Elementary in Argyle. Of course, the event takes less than one minute, but it is still such a rush to hear your child on the radio. Many thanks to Rick, Frank, Starlene, Perri and the rest of the KLTY staff for doing Family Friendly things llike this.

Monday, 05 February 07
The MRI report came back clear! I'm 20 scans and three years post-op. cbc results look good as well, so I can now stop everything or just keep going on the 14/14 Temodar and Accutane plan.

Sunday, 04 February 07
Today is the third anniversary of the removal a of gbm brain tumor. On 30 Jan 04 I felt as if I had been hit by a train and fallen into a pit upon learning of the tumor diagnosis. Surgery on 04 Feb 04, followed by radiation (with concurrent Temodar chemo), and 19 clean scans (18 MRI and one PET, with the scan from Friday appearing clean to me), coupled with the support and prayers of many people, have turned that initial day of sorrow into joy - and mourning into dancing. All of this has been wrapped in the grace of God. Indeed the Lord holds each of us in the palm of His hand, whether or not we comprehend this reality. This website serves as an altar to Him who answered me in the day of my distress, and has been there with me wherever I have gone. (Gen 35:3)

Friday, 02 February 07
My 20th post-op scan has been reviewed by Kathy and me to be clean...official word due on Monday. Hats off to Kris of the ISI imaging facility for correcting a last minute administrative error that threatened to postpone the MRI. And hats off again to the ISI MRI operator who bought a classic Chevelle, perhaps influenced by my visit to ISI in October of last year.

Thursday, 01 February 07
Aric's rabbit, Smokey, died today. Aric created a wooden marker for her; the first such endeavor undertaken by any of our children, even though we have had many pets during the last 18 years.

January 2007 NewsMarch 2007 News


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