Bradford Pear Bloom
Spring 2007

Bluebonnets - the State Flower of Texas
Spring 2007

Indian Paintbrush
Spring 2007

Geese chasing and honking
Geese 2007

News - March 2007

Friday, 30 March 07
Today was MRI #21, which looks clear to Kathy and me. I would like to thank everyone for praying. We share in these scans as co-labors in the fight against brain tumors and in providing hope for others facing a similar situation. I have come to appreciate prayer as an opportunity, instead of a chore. It is not one more thing to have to do, but rather a privilege and an invitation to be a participant in God's plan.

Tuesday, 27 March 07
Catastrophic life changing events can bring about a new or refined outlook on life. Since late January 2004, I have come to see the brain tumor as God's invitation to go deep with him. To develop a level of trust in Him that probably would not have been possible for me as a healthy person. It is in this spirit that I offer a survivor's prayer to my Redeemer.

Wednesday, 14 March 07
Today is a 2x great day, for on this day 10 years ago we welcomed Aric to our family. It somehow seems fitting that on the birthday of our youngest, our oldest child should reach a major milestone as well.

Monday, 12 March 07
Spring has begun here in North Texas, and I miss the Redbud trees because they have always represented hope and new life to me. We have been remodeling our home since 1999, and with each successive upgrade, a tree or two is lost, typically taken out by construction vehicles that need access to our backyard. Over the years, all of our Redbud trees have been bulldozed, not a one left on our acre - or so I thought...

Saturday, 10 March 07
This website was crafted to be an encouragement and a resource for people with brain tumors and their families, but often I find that I am the one reaping the benefits of encouragement and hope! It seems that I get a message or a page just when I need a little boost. I am reaching out to others, and others are responding by reaching in to me. Go forward. Go figure. Go ahead and read Luke 6:38.

Thursday, 08 March 07
Today I emerged from several part time days in Geekville. Our home network quit working - no internet access - at a most inopportune time, right when many schools projects and papers were coming due. 90 minute phone calls to tech support for DSL and routers and reading manuals and speaking to my fellow Geeks at work. FInally, the network was rebuilt, replaced, reconfigured and brought back on line, including our laser printer. Why am I telling you this? Because it is great to be able to do this type of stuff - to feel well enough to get something done that is not in my domain of expertise.

Wednesday, 07 March 07
My mother returned from the hospital today, after completing a series of tests and a period of observation due to high blood pressure and irregular heatbeats. I was thankful and relieved to learn that all of the tests came back negative, which means no issues or problems were noted. Dr. Virginia Stark-Vance (my oncologist), stopped by room 536 to meet mom per my request. Can your doctor do this? Would your doctor take the time to visit a loved one who is not one of his or her patients?

Sunday, 04 March 07
Today marks the 37th month since brain surgery, accompanied with 20 clean scans (19 MRI, one PET). I continued to receive several prayer pages each day. Many thanks for standing with me in prayer against the beast.

February 2007 NewsApril 2007 News


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