Guest Book
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The Guest Book

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Denton, TX
I just went searching on the web for information about Dr. Finn and found your site. I read your story, identified with it a little bit and was moved and inspired too. I wanted to say I admire you and wish you all the very best for the future.

Gordon Hood
Tuscumbia, AL
Jerry, I just read your website. I know the journey you are on, and I am praying for you. My daughter is Somer Hood, you wrote me about her site and testimony. God Bless you. Samuel 30:6 "David Strenghtened himself in the Lord."

Vonda Kemp
Miami, FL
Thanks for the info re: the prayer pager. Jaivon loves to hear her pager beep.

(Jerry's note: Jaivon's prayer pager number is 305-719-6151. Enter your Zip Code at the beep)

Seagoville, TX
Thank you so much! This has already made a difference!!! Literally within minutes!!! :) I would love to get a prayer pager. Will any pager do, or is there an actual pager that is a prayer pager? I always have prayer requests, I hope you don't mind I will be sending them your way. Have a beautiful and blessed day! Selby

(Jerry's note: yes, any pager will do. A free one is available from And please feel free to send prayer requests to me.)

Sandra Foster
Denton, TX
His light shines through you!

Ann Parkinson
Little Rock, AR
I am praying for you Jerry. Ann

Suzanne Malstrom
Wolverine, MI
Thank you for your encouragement, not much available when you can't feel on the left, can't walk, see, or hear very well. I am trying to hang in there but only been at this for a couple months.. I need all the prayers I can get. You have been an inspiration...And in my prayers...

Steve Davis
Kingwood, TX
Hi Jerry! Just wanted to add our prayers to those of your many other prayer partners. We're so grateful for your life and ministry of hope. May God continue to bless you and glorify Himself through you!

Dallas, TX
I'm your mother's neighbor. I'm delighted to hear how well you're doing!

Shannon Stratford
Columbia, SC
Dear Mr. Kline,
Praise the Lord! I will be in prayer for you. My father was just diagnosed with brain tumor and will have surgery this Friday, September 8th, while we don't know what we're dealing with yet, we know that it's in the Lord's hands; your story is an inspiration. May God continue to richly bless you and your family.

Shannon Stratford

Bobbye Davis
Dallas, TX
Dear Jerry, our daughter-in-law is the daughter of the late Smith Markham. He was a member of Park Cities, Dallas. When he was terminally ill, he was given a "prayer beeper." That is how we learned of the beeper ministry. Since then, our Vicki has initiated the service at Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio. I told Chuck McCann, about how meaningful it was for Smith, and he started the ministry at First Baptist Richardson.

Last Sunday, Vicki gave a presentation to their Sunday School Class in Kingwood, where they now live, and they are hoping to start the service there. Before she spoke to their class, I told her to check your website, and she used the information about how many different zip codes had been logged, and your testimony of what the beeper has meant to you. She said it was well received and expects this to be "a shot in the arm" for their prayer ministry.

Thank you for the wonderful witness your website is.

I hope that you will continue to get the good reports. God bless you and your family.

Bobbye Davis

P.S. Our son, Steve Davis works with orphans through the BGCT. His work is mostly with foreign countries, primarily Moldova. It was a part of the USSR, and when it split up, the very small and poor country of Moldova was formed. The state run orphanages are terrible places, and Steve takes groups from different churches to work with the children. They take warm clothing and have summer camp-like activities with the children. They are in the process of converting a large house into a dorm for young girls. They are forced out of the orphanages at age 16 or 17, with no way to make a living or place to live. MANY are sold into prostitution. About 10 per cent commit suicide. This is a long story, but I tell you all this to ask you to pray for Steve's ministry. Thank you for that.

(Jerry's note: please discover the extreme and urgent needs of Moldova Orphans and what you can do about it.)

Leslie Baldwin

Thank you for your website. It's very encouraging. It's hard to find websites like yours that really give you some hope. My ordeal started a month after I turned 16. I was at home eating dinner and all of a sudden I was slipping out of my chair having a seizure. I was taken to the emergency room. There I was examined by a neurosurgeon and without even having an MRI or CAT scan, he told my parents that I had a brain tumor.

A couple days later, I was in surgery to have a biopsy performed with the hope of having all the tumor removed. The tumor was about the size of a quarter and located on the left side of my brain. It was also on the outside of my brain, which was a positive and would make it possible to have total resection. Well it did not exactly work out that way. After the surgery, my family and friends were told that all the tumor could not be completely removed because it would cause severe damage. There was also a lot of bleeding and he could not control it. The doctor explained that I had an astrocytoma, which is rather vague considering there are different types of astrocytomas. It was suggested that I have gamma knife treatment and wish for the best cause I pretty much only had about two years to live. My parents got a second opinion, which led us to Children's Hospital in Birmingham. There we met with a brain surgeon. He felt like he could successfully remove all the tumor, but there was the risk of having some brain damage and that I might have trouble with my speech. We trusted his judgement and decided to give it a second try. So on November 18 1996, I had my second surgery. It was a success. He removed all the tumor and stated that he was able to get down to "white matter." No cancer left. I had no brain damage and my speech was fine. God is so good.

A few weeks later I met with an Oncologist at Children's. I was told that the tumor had class 2 cells as well class 4 cells. Because of the class 4 cells, I was diagnosed with a GBM. He then explained that I would be treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Treatment was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Radiation > > lasted about two months. It did cause permanent hair loss of the left side of my head. Chemotherapy wasn't that bad either. I was on Vincristine and CCNU. I never really got that sick. It caused some problems with my blood cell count. I was told that I would lose all of my hair, but I never did. God truly blessed me.
My last day of treatment was April 1998. I am still cancer free today. I don't have MRIs anymore. I simply go in and my neurologist examines me once a year. I have no significant brain damage. Just the short-term memory issues. But no physical problems. God is awesome. Thanks again for your encouraging website. You are in my prayers. God bless.

Leslie Baldwin

Angel Krueger
Algoma, WI
Thank you for having a site like this for all of us to join together and not feel so alone. I was diagnosed April 2006 with a grade 4 brain tumor. I have been doing well and I keep telling myself I need to stay strong and fight this thing. I keep searching for better treatments and hope to find a cure for us all. I am here if anyone needs to talk and I hope to learn a lot more from all of you. Stay strong and always know you are all in my prayers. Angel

Joy Campbell
Gorman, TX
Jerry, Your life is a testimony of how God causes all things to work together for good to those who love the Lord...Praise God for you and for your response to this trial of your faith. Joy Campbell, Gorman, TX

Cathy Davis
Pekin, IL
Thanks Jerry, it is always a pleasure to read of other survivors. I have every intention of being a long term survivor. It is great to keep in contact with other survivors

Della Barbee
Dry Prong, LA
Your site is an inspiration! It is very nicely done. God bless you,
Della Barbee

Betty Cook
Rock Hill, SC
Thank you for your site. May God continue to keep you well.

hello. a friend of mine has just been diagnosed with brain tumor. this is devastating because i completely know nothing about this illnes. therefore, i took to the internet to read about survival stories. yours was the first i read. i admire your courage and your family's as well. i think some of your courage has been transferred to me and now i have some certainity that this illness can be defeated. i will pass your story to my friend to help him deal with the situation. god bless you and i wish complete recovery.

Hi I am from Poland, Europe :) My mum is fighting with astrocytoma grade III, I wish we lived in usa so she could get temodar treatment, but i am not writting to complain:) I want to thank you for your site, it inspiring for us and we pray for you. Wish you all the best! - Joanna.

Robert Garifal
Nassau, New York
Hello Jerry. Your story is amazing. God Bless you. Jerry, my wife and I will keep you in our prayers every night. Sincerely Robert.

Sunbury, OH
What a blessing it was for me and my family to find your website. Our mother just had her tumor removed 5/11/06 and we are waiting for the pathology reports, however we do know it is malignant. I was inspired by the similarities in the way your story started out and the way my Mothers is. It gives us all wonderful hope. Thank you thank you for sharing your story and God Bless you for many more years of clean MRIs.

Cynthia Adams
Ft. Worth, TX
God has a really good plan for you and I pray He will continue to bless you and your family. God is good.

Virginia Stark-Vance
Ft. Worth, TX
Your story is so inspiring! You're so right to give Jesus Christ the honor and glory. He is the Great Physician, and, as Paul says, "Without Him we can do nothing." Praise be to God for now and forever more!

(Jerry's note: Dr. Stark-Vance is my oncologist! Her choice of words is most interesting, as I always write "Praise the Lord now and forever more" as part of the mini-mental exam at her office.)

in Tennessee
Jerry and family:
I just found your site via the link with It is so encouraging to me to hear your story. This is truly a difficult up--and-down roller coaster ride for the entire family. What great support from your church family. awesome. My husband was diag w/ GBM May 2004, and we are fast approaching the 2 yr.anniversary date. He is doing great; we are optimistic for the future, while living in the REALITY of this disease. Wishing the best to you all. May God use your story to His glory.

Kyle B. Magers
Tyler, TX
Was reading your News Summary section and scrolled down to Feb 4, 2004. That was the same day that I went in and had my 2nd operation (the one for which you received the card from Harold about). Once my old plate was removed they had to leave it out due to infections till the 3rd operation on 2/14/04. Sorry to take up your time but I found that intersting that our operations were on the same day and year.

Kyle B. Magers
Tyler, TX
It was intresting talking with you over the phone the other day (sorry that I do not any car parts for sale). It is funny that after two years you still had the card that Harold had given to you back in 2004 with my name on it and then by chance called it by mistake. I plan on reading through the different sections you have posted here on the web. Once I get some free time I will try to write an summary of my past history with brain operations. 1st (in Austin, Tx @ May 1985), then the 2nd and 3rd in Tyler, Tx in Feb. 2004. While you seemed to be pretty up on the medical terms I am afraid that I am not. I just went in and let them do what they needed to do and came out feeling a whole lot better. My parents live just south of Ft Worth in Cleburne and I might try to look you up one weekend when I am over that way. Best of luck to you and your family,
Kyle (and no I still do not have any car parts for sale!!!) Just a little humor there.

Craig Castleberry
Wilson, NC
Hi Jerry! Great news it sounds like and I know the Lord is watching over you. My mom keeps me posted on how you are. I will keep you in my prayers and I would love to hear from you. You are the guy that introduced me to DOLBY Sound!!!!!!! And I remember some great games of pinball way back. Your life has been a wonderful testimony. Blessings on you and your family... In Christ,
Craig Castleberry

Tricia Hope
White Oak, TX
I have a brother-in-law, Jerry Hope, who was diagnosed with GBM in Dec 2005, debulking surgery, radiation, and chemo. I was quite relieved to find your website, and hopefully with God's help and the proper treatment he will one day be able to join the survivors of gbm. I have printed your story and am delivering it in hand to him. He is the single father of a 16 year old daughter who also needs your prayers. She is having a real hard time with her Dad's terminal diagnosis. He has always been very active in our church, and has mainly worked with our youth. He's not able to do this now and he misses it greatly. I have applied to get a prayer pager for him in hopes it will remind him every day he's not in this fight alone. Thank you for your story, the information, and the inspiration you have given me to continue this battle against gbm. I needed some good news, and I found you. Thanks again. Tricia Hope

Denis Strangman
Canberra, Australia
Hi Jerry and family. Prayers and best wishes from Down Under in Australia.

Berri O'Neal
Dallas, TX
I was a member of FBC Richardson in 04, and I began praying for you then, and I have continued to pray for you daily, even after I moved. God is great, and I am so moved by your wonderful recovery and your faith in God!

Nancy Nytomt
Argyle, TX
Praise God! I have read your story and was so moved by it. It is amazing to witness miracles and the power of God. Bless you and I will continue to always keep you in my heartfelt prayers.

Tom Connally
Tyler, TX
Hi Jerry,
Since your mom gave me the link to your site, I visit it often. You, your mom, and all of your family continue to be in my prayers. Hope you all have a blessed Christmas!
Very best, tom connally

Ann Shidler
Greenwood Village, CO
Jerry, I received your ClassSmart information today and was glad to hear that you also are doing well. I wish you continued good health and happiness. Ann Shidler

Gary Kennedy
Plano, TX
Jerry: My excitement grew as I read the notes from ones who have visited the website. we continue to pray without hitting the pager number...So glad others are responding as well ! Gary Kennedy

Kim, Randy, & Kylie Trost
Argyle, TX
Jerry, We are so glad to hear the latest great report! We will keep on praying for you and your family. God bless...the Trosts

Molly Vallelian
Argyle, TX
Thank you, Jerry, for your inspiration and uplifting story of faith and hope, even in times of great darkness. I submitted Caroline's name for a prayer pager because she needs all the prayers she can get. After reading your "unedited" version, we're going to look into getting other opinions from Duke and maybe Johns Hopkins, too. It cannot hurt and it may make all the difference. We would not have considered this had it not been for your website. God bless you and all the Klines!

Paula Smith
Argyle, TX
I saw your website, courtesy of your email to Mrs. Nytomt (my son, Tad, is in the same class with Aric - last year too). I am also Aaron's English teacher, had Andrew when helping with Homecoming this now I've met half of your family! Having read about your story, I look forward to meeting the rest! Thank you for the positive, Christ-like example you set for EVERYBODY! My mother-in-law also had an operable brain tumor, so as you've already figured out, you are not alone. My family will be praying for you and yours. God Bless you!

Pam LanCarte
Carrollton, TX
----- Original Message -----
I'm impressed. Jerry if there is one thing I am sure of. Nothing man does can compare to the greatness of God. It appears to me that it is not your time to go and that He has greater things for you to do. Pam

----- Original Message -----
Hello Dr. LanCarte,
Thank-you for both visits today - the one in person with Andrew and your message from the website. It is true that Dr. S. Sam Finn (neuro surgeon), Dr. L. Chinsoo Cho (radiation-oncologist) and Dr. Virginia Stark-Vance (oncologist) are amazing, but even more amazing is the amazing grace extended to me from the Lord to face my greatest fears knowing that He has me in His hand regardless of what happens. It is "a peace that passes understanding."

I have attached three pre-op MRI films. Even now, looking at these pics is scary stuff. But all 11 post-op MRIs, performed on a bi-monthly basis since surgery on 2/4/04, have been clean. I have attached a sample MRI shot from September 2004. Kindest Regards, Jerry Kline

----- Original Message -----
Jerry, Sounds like you had some amazing caregivers but more than that it is your belief in a higher being that has helped you.

Bobbye Davis
Richardson, TX
I am so pleased that the pager ministry has been a help for you. Just wanted to tell you that it does not cover all prayers for you. I am a "night owl" and don't think you would want to be disturbed. So multiply those beeps for the times folks don't dial. God bless you and yours. We are in your Mom's SS class.

Warren G. Obenland
Houston, TX
Congratulations. You are the first person in the world I have ever sent an E-mail to for any reason. Don't you feel special? I hate the internet; however, for you, I will suspend my hatred and tell you that I am happy to hear that things are going well for you and that the Lord has spared your life. I have been busy with survivors from New Orleans. Our church is a Red Cross Shelter. Life has been super-busy lately. God bless and keep you brother!

Virginia Ellis
Dallas, TX
Sorry to read of your seizure on June 23rd. Hope everything is going well now and you received a good report.

Trey Davis
Ft. Worth, TX
Checking out your site, and asking for God's continued blessing on you Jerry.

Wanda Greenfield
Richardson, TX
Just wanted you to know that we are praying for you and yours.God Bless You!
Wanda and Keller Greenfield

Debby Garcia
Edinberg, TX
Hi Jerry, we are praying for you and your family. Love, Debby

Bob Grant
Southlake, TX
Prayer and fellowship friend of Larry Plowman: My prayers for His grace, love, strength, healing and comfort to you, Jerry and your loved ones around you.

Cindy Plowman
Grapevine, TX
Our prayers are with you. May the peace of God cover you and your family.

Kim, Randy, & Kylie Trost
Argyle, TX
We are so glad to hear the CBC looked good and we are praying for another great result on July 1. Thank you again for your witness and the peace that you helped to give Kylie during her illness and surgery. Kylie was so encouraged by you and your family's visit the week before her surgery. We can never thank you enough. Kylie is doing so awesome now and we got a good report from the doctor today. Our prayers will continue to be with you and your family.

Mark Hornung
Highland Village, TX
Your web site is excellent! It gives hope for all and shows what a deep faith in God can do! You may not know it, but you are a great inspiration to all of us at EFW. Hang in there and best wishes for continuing good health. PS: Glad Grizzly is doing well also! What planet is he from? (Jerry's Note: Grizzly will not say what planet he is from - he only 'barks' an answer.)

C. Mathews
Ft. Smith, AR
I was linked to your site to read about the prayer pager. What a great idea!! I saw the picture of your sweet family, may God richly bless you all!!

Dr. Virginia Stark-Vance
Ft. Worth, TX
I love your site and hope you will let me link it to mine ( I think you are doing a wonderful work in keeping the faith, and even more, by showing how God had richly blessed you despite this terrible diagnosis. Let me also recommend to your readers, "A Life God Rewards" which tells how God plans to continue to bless us in the life to come. Peace and love, "Doc" (jerry's note: Dr. Stark-Vance is my oncologist)

Charles and Bobbie Cottle
Claremore, OK
I just tried to send this, but don't think I clicked "submit." If this is a second notice, just know we think of you twice as often! That oldest son looks EXACTLY like his dad. What a beautiful family! Your faith and fortitude inspires all of us. You are in our prayers.

O.B. Williams
San Antonio, TX
Lee and I continue to pray for you regularly and have enlisted some prayer warriors in San Antonio

Galveston, TX
Hi there Jerry. I hear you're doing awesome! I know I don't get around to calling or visiting much, medical school has me very busy, but I think of you often. My dad inquires about you all the time as well. We just finished studying brain cancer in my neuroscience class and I listened attentively, a rarety for me. Keep up the fighting. Oh you might want to try aquaphor for you skin. I used it when I was on accutane and it works great. It's in the lotion section one of the pricer ones but it does work

Jean Clark
Lewisville, TX
Jerry, I was so happy to hear your amazing progress. Thanks for sharing your website.

Ron Harper
Allen, TX
Congratulations! Keep up the great progress. Warmest Regards to you, Kathy and the kids,

Diane Taylor
Richardson, TX
I enjoyed hearing your testimony in Weatherbee's Sunday School class this morning. We have experienced the wonder of God's blessings during the middle of a seeming tradegy and could completely understand how you felt!

Denise Veliz
Richardson, TX
Oh I am so blessed to get to meet you and have you speak to our class Sunday. My husband prayed for you last night and it was so neat to hear him pray for you and your family. I love Tommys class too, I was there on the first Sunday and they have helped me through lots of things. This is what the "body" of believers is to look like!

Don and Jeanette Dyer
Mesquite, TX
We heard your testimony this morning in Dr. Morgan's class and in the worship service. It was very inspirational and uplifting for all. We pray that you will continue to improve. We are members of the O'Neal Men's Class and the O'Neal's Ladies Class at FBCR.

Carolyn Lohman
College Station, TX
Jerry, congratulations on your strength and courage to fight so valiantly and evidently successfully against this invader. You will be in our thoughts and prayers! Gig'em! Well, is is about time to hear from someone in Aggieland! - Jerry's Note :)

Nikki Miller
Santa Clarita, CA
Jerry, our prayers have been with you, as well. I think there are many people who are praying for you in silence, so just imagine all the quiet in between all those beeps! I love your site, too. It's a good way for us to check up on you without being intrusive, and it is so satisfying to see God's work in such a deserving family. I am continually delighted by the good prognoses.

Mom and Dad Mapes
Harlington, TX
We pray for you and your family daily and are trusting the Great Physician to continue his healing and caring for you.

Cheryl Connally Sanders
Tyler, TX
Jerry, Praise God for the wonderful news. He is the great healer after all!!! I'm glad my dad (Tom Connally) forwarded your link to me. Your testimony is indeed both a lesson and a praise! When I wake in the middle of the night, instead of grumbling, I now will praise God.

Bud Stradley
Argyle, TX
He is truly "Emanuel"--"God with us." Sometimes He whispers; sometimes He shouts; sometimes He heals. All of His obvious movements seem to be continuing subtle/dramatic affirmations that He is still in control. God is richly blessing you, Jerry....and those of us who see Him through you.

Valley Ridge, CA
God Bless you and your family Jerry. Our prayers are with you.

Tambi Laird
Argyle, TX
Jerry, I am on the prayer team at Crosstimbers. I pray for you every day. I am glad that we get your updates. God is good.

Margaret Biscotto
Richardson, TX
I publish the prayer publications here at FBCR & was just wondering how you are doing. I'm sure this website is helpful to those who know you & a great encouragement to those who don't know Jesus Christ. Bless you for allowing Him to use you for His glory.

Denise Veliz
Richardson, TX
I go to First Baptist Richardson and have been praying for you and your family. I will beep you often...

LaWanda Schreiner
Richardson, TX
We are so pleased that you are doing well. You and your family are in our prayers. You are an excellent example of how faith can help us face any of life's ordeals.

Glen Johnson
Dallas, TX
We have been in the same SS class as your mother for many years. Sure glad for the positive treatment results. We think of and pray for you and your family often.
Glen and Loyce Johnson

Charles and Bobbie Cottle
Claremore, OK
Jerry, We just now opened your web site and think this is a wonderful idea. We have often prayed for you and your family ... and now know how to let you know without your feeling the necessity to respond. Know we love you and pray for the BEST for you.
The Cottles

Berri O'Neal
Dallas, TX
I pray for you and your family every day, and I love knowing that through the pager ministry, you can actually know that there are SO many praying for you! You are a miracle and proof to all of those around you that God works in wonderful and mysterious ways! You will never know how many people's lives you touch by telling people about your story and the power of prayer!

Marjorie Castleberry
Cumming, GA
I sent an e-mail from all of us. We will be praying for you and all your family. Much love and many prayers...

Kent and Kristie Bateman
Argyle, TX
Jerry,it was a great pleasure to get to know you better and share life. We will continue to pray for you and your family. I am thankful to worship a living Lord that answers our prayers! God Bless.

Tom Connally
Tyler, TX
Hi Jerry, Thanks to your mom, I'll now be a regular visitor to your site. Let me tell you very sincerely - You, your mom, and your whole family are the newest additions to our daily prayer list. God Bless! tom

Nate Robinson
Garland, TX
We continue to think about you as well as pray for the Kline family. Call me if have time.
Your Friend,
Nate Robinson

Lewisville, TX
Mr. Kline - Since first learning of your battle many months ago, our entire office has had you and your wonderful family in our prayers daily. It was wonderful to see you [at my dentist appointments - Jerry's note], and see the visible power of prayer as your prayer pager kept you company throughout your visit! Our prayers continue...
Dr. Scott Lipscomb, DDS & Staff.

Doretta Dugger
Denton, TX
I work in your dental office, please know that you and your family are in my prayers.

Jan and Kenneth Brown,
Tyler, TX
Just wanted to let you know we think of you everyday in our prayer time. Give our love to the family and tell your mom hello for us. Peggy and Chuck Harrison sent their best, also.

Becky Obenland,
Houston, TX
I finally got around to reading your web site. You have been on the prayer list here at Cypress Community Christian School, and my 8th grade girl's Bible class has been praying for you. We are praising God for your healing.

Heather Hall,
Argyle, TX
I was so blessed that Sweet Hopkins forwarded your story to me! We have many things in common:
1. We are both Brain Tumor survivors -- I am now 2 years out since my MRI scan came back miraculously clear!
2. We are both patients of Virginia Stark-Vance. (In fact I am on the cover of her book!)
3. We are both residents of Argyle -- we moved here 2 years ago after being Richardson residents for 10 years.
4. Most importantly, we know WHO really cured us! I am amazed and thankful every day that I get to wake up and take care of my children. I hope we can meet someday and share more. Until then, I'll pray for you and check your site periodically.

Best wishes,
Heather Hall

Sarah Russ,
Magnolia, TX
We are praying for you.

David K,
Weatherford, TX
We continue to pray for you daily. People at church ask about you EVERY week.

Pat Johnson,
Richardson, TX
Jerry...You have so many prayers being sent your way. I know you must feel their healing power. May God bless you and your family.

Jan & Kenneth Brown,
Tyler, TX
A voice from the past...your uncle Harold just left the bank after telling me about your website. I've been keeping up with your progress thru him. Talked to your mom one night. I'll give Don, Spence & Scott your address, so maybe they will say "Hello". The picture of the family is darling. Can't believe all those boys and one girl... could she be a little spoiled?? Love to you & yours, Jan

Mary Stout,
Richardson, TX
Jerry and Family, I will keep you in my daily prayers and trust that this treatment that you're in now is going to be the treatment that will heal you. May God Bless each and everyone of you. Give my best regards to your Mom, Betty. We used to be in the same Sunday School Class.

Cliff Clark,
Plano, TX
Jerry, I would like for you to know that the Agape Sunday School Class at First Baptist Church Richardson has been praying for your recovery, in addition to encouragement for your dear family during this difficult time for them. We will continue to keep each of you in our class prayer ministry.

Lloyd Thrash,
Hot Springs Village, AR
Jerry, I have been away for the last 5-6 weeks. It was great to return and learn of the progress you have made. I pray for you daily.

Andy Caldwell,
East Sussex, United Kingdom
Jerry, Jo and I continue to pray for you. We love your web pages, but love even more what God is doing. Warmest Love Andy and Jo.

O.B. Williams,
San Antonio, TX
My wife and I are in daily prayer for your recovery.

Chris Estes,
Honolulu, Hawaii
How wonderful to see you and your beautiful family. You're always in my thoughts. Chris

Richard Ewing,
Denton, TX
Jerry, this is wonderful news! We will be thankful. Indeed may God grant you wisdom for your Duke trip. Keep us informed. Thanks, Dicky.

Allyson Jeter,
Dallas, TX
Jerry 1, Brain Tumor 0
Congratulations, Jerry! Give thanks and celebrate your success with everyone you know, especially your family!
Take care and I will continue to keep up with your successes!

Donna Motley,
Weatherford, TX
We have been praying for you since you were diagnosed. We are friends of David, Linda and Holly

Lawrence Youst,
Dallas, TX
Jerry, it is great news that you remain free from the beast. Your faith inspires me and I hope one day I can feel as close to Christ as you do. Your website is a great idea as you are helping others in your own time of need. You will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Harold and Sherry Reston,
Tyler, TX
We are so glad you received such a good report this week. The web site looks great!

Roger Henderson,
Huntsville, AL
Jerry!! great to get your note and hear the wonderful news!! God is so good. Our church, Summit Crossing Community Church (or SC3 for short, I love acronyms) has been praying for you. Can't wait to see you again, brother.

Michele Whitecotton,
Ft. Worth, TX
Jerry! I am SO EXCITED TO hear about your MRI being CLEAR!!! That is awesome! Just know that you will continue to be in my prayers. Take care!!

Bill and Laura Haas,
Lewisville, TX
That is so awesome [the clean MRI] - all of our prayers have been answered. The website is a great idea. I am so glad that you are doing so great!!

Jan Emler,
Arlington, TX
Jerry, With tears in my eyes, I am thanking God for your good report, for your improved health, and for your young family!! What a blessing and relief to have such good news! Thank you for sharing it with me. You have just made my day! Praise God! Love in Him, Jan

Neil Hejny,
Tucson, AZ
Jerry, I was sorry to hear about your condition, but am very glad to hear of your progress. Keep the faith and good luck. Best Regards, Neil

Dave Fenner,
Corinth, TX
Great job on the website!

Max Springfield,
Flower Mound, TX
Deena and my prayers are with you.

Shirley Beavers,
Watauga, TX
This is a wonderful webpage. Keep up the good work.

Carol Vrock,
Weatherford, TX
Good to hear about your progress. I had surgery for a brain anurysm in November of last year. Prayer is an important part of my life and recovery. My Sunday School Class calls me their walking miracle. Good luck to you in the future and I will continue to pray for you.

Jenny Hahn,
McLean, VA
Jerry, I checked out your website, pretty cool. We also consulted with Henry Friedman and with docs at MD Anderson as well as John Hopkins, Beth Israel, Children's of Philadelphia and Mass General. It's nice to be able to put a face with your name and voice now. I loved the prayer pager. I sent a note to my pastor to check out your website because I think it is such a marvelous idea. We have a website for our run, Check it out when you have a chance. You are in my prayers!!!!!

Gary Bearden,
Rowlett, TX
Jeddy- As you know my friend, you are in our prayers. I think this is a great way of shareing your story, and the story of our Lord. I hope everything goes well on the upcoming MRI. TAKE NO PRISONERS! Your friend, AC.

Michele Barber,
Shady Shores, TX
Best wishes to you and your team of are on my prayer list! I know the Good Lord will be with you each step of the way! Continue to be comforted by that!

Cleo Robinson,
Wylie, TX
23 Years ago, the Dr.told us Nathan had 2 to 6 months to live. There was no cure for the type of cancer he had. But the Dr. didn't know the Master of all situations. The night before we were to receive the prognois, I asked God to please let him raise his two little boys. The next morning when I opened my eyes, God gave me the assurance that he would live. The boys are now 24 and 25 and God kept His promise to me. We go to Covenant Church and we will put your name on our prayer list and will also write it on the back of our offering envelope and will continue to do so until we hear the good news that you are cancer free. May God be extra special to you and your family.

Roy Markwardt,
McKinney, TX
Jerry it is good to hear from you and I am praying that your test on Monday will provide positive results. Your website is a great testimony for Christ and the faith and trust you have in Him.I know you will continue to fight the "beast" with all your might.

Lynette Roseland,
Denton, TX
Hi Jerry, This is Lynette from Lake Cities Bible Church. Do you remember me?? Randy and I were so excited to hear yall were coming to Cross Timbers. We could not believe it when we heard of your cancer. We have thought of you alot lately, glad to hear things are going well. We work with the high schoolers on Wed. nights or else we would be in the service. Tell Kathy hello for us and we have your whole family in our prayers.

Bud Stradley,
Denton, TX
WONDERFUL website!! This is a fantastic testimony to both your faith in God and your dedication to receiving the best medical treatment, which are both what we are all supposed to be doing: follow God 100% and do all you can do! You are a blessing to others, Jerry!

Angela Garcia,
Denton, TX
God Bless you and we are PRAYING!!!

Tom Miller,
Highland Village, TX
Hi Jerry, You have my prayers focused on a clean scan next week. When do you want to go to lunch?

Betsy Spencer,
Kissimmee, FL
Jerry, your photo looks great! I am thrilled at your progress and your faith! Isn't God Great!!!! Continue to take care, Betsy Spencer

Jim Lambert,
Lewisville, TX
Jerry, glad to hear you're doing well. I don't know if you heard but Shane gave us a bit of a scare a couple of weeks ago but he is doing great now.... actually like having a new kid:) Anyway the details are at We'll keep the prayers coming!

Nate Robinson,
Garland, TX
Jerry, our Church prayer group is praying for you.

Betty Kline,
Dallas, TX
Jerry, a lady from FBCR who teaches a children's SS class asked for your address. She said that the children prayed for you this morning. Isn't that sweet? Love you, Mom

David Kline,
Weatherford, TX
Jerry, the site looks great. Navigation is super. Great job!
Love, David


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