Truett Davis
Mr. Davis

MRI #31
Mr. Clean


News - July 2008

Saturday, 26 July 08
An Argyle Band Color Guard car wash, not unlike those of the not too distant past.

Saturday, 19 July 08
Finished Truett Davis' book My Life, So Far, It's Been a Good 'Un which I found interesting since I am friends with Mr. Davis' son Steve Davis. Steve and I work together on trips to Moldova. Mr. Davis passed away last year, but his legacy remains as a Pearl Harbor survivor and as a gunner's mate on a destroyer during WWII. His love and devotion to family (married to wife Bobbye for 60 years!) is also noteworthy.

Friday, 18 July 08
Routine bi-annual dental checkup revealed no issues. I still have to take an antibiotic one hour before the cleaning. One day, I hope to return to the land of the normal - no antibiotic required.

Thursday, 17 July 08
Finished Don Piper's book Heaven is Real. This book is a follow up to his New York Times best seller, 90 Minutes in Heaven. Don's first book described his experiences in heaven, while this second book shows how to transform tragedy into triumph. This volume has been added to my recommended reading list.

Monday, 14 July 08
My 30th post-operative MRI since brain surgery in February 2004 has been reviewed as clean! The CBC results are also favorable, and I thank everyone for the continued support!

Saturday, 12 July 08
We are back from band camp at Texas Tech. A long, yet nice drive to and from West Texas through small towns and lonely roads with the family.

Friday, 11 July 08
MRI #31 looks clean to me; I will receive the radiologist's report Monday morning. I appreciate your prayers, emails and the face-to-face dialog. Your support is a fountain of hope, the same hope which I aim to pass along to others who contact me about their brain tumors.

Sunday, 06 July 08
A full day, concluding with an evening of hope and encouragement with Johnny, Jan, Steve and Deidra.

Thursday, 03 July 08
You've just been diagnosed with a brain tumor. What should you do now?

Tuesday, 01 July 08
An interesting application of the Prayer of Jabez. Take a look at 1 Chronicles 4:10, where Jabez asks God to:

  • bless him
  • enlarge his borders
  • be with him
  • protect him

  • As applied to this suvivor story, this prayer means:
  • continued clean MRIs
  • expand this ministry of hope
  • that I represent You well
  • watch over me as You send me

  • I am one to interpret the Bible literally, yet a double dip occurred recently, when I recently began to clear a section of a neighbor's yard to flush out any snakes that might be lurking about. I soon discovered a number of trees with faded red ribbons tied around the trunk. This was a revelation, since I had used these ribbons to designate the trees to be removed when our house was built. That was in 1987, and now 21 years later, when the brush is cleared away, I find these same trees. Their removal had not been necessary, so here they stand, actually on our property. All of this time I had thought this corner of land belonged to our neighbors. The Lord has indeed enlarged my borders, in a very literal way, without updating any surveys or county records.

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