Water Moccasin?
Water Moccasin?

In the Yard
In the Yard

Graduate Holly

News - June 2008

Sunday, 29 June 08
Aaron and I trimmed a few trees today, cutting a branch of eight inch diameter and more than 25 feet in length off of the monster tree in our front yard. This branch was 20 feet off of the ground, touching the house in a number of places, which poses the risk of an ant invasion. But the procedure to detach this branch from the tree was most unusual, in that it involved hoisting a chain saw, running in an idle mode, up in the air, in such a way that I could intercept it, position it, and then bring the chain up to full speed. The branch was then cut off of the tree, the chain saw was stopped and lowered to the ground. I climbed down the ladder - mission accomplished! It is great to be able to do these types of things as a 4 and 1/3 year brain tumor survivor.

We then encountered a snake that looked to be a cottonmouth (water moccasin) lying on our pool deck. We gathered our implements and the serpent was eliminated. Only this evening did we identify the 3.5 foot snake as a harmless water snake. But I maintain that we did the right thing; the measures taken were in defense of the family and there wasn't time to research what type of snake this might be. The next time, however, we will capture the snake and release it some distance from our home, as we have been doing for a number of years with opossums.

Monday, 23 June 08
I had a seizure three years ago today. At least, this is what it was described to me as being. I stood up that morning in my bedroom, felt a bit odd, then looked up from by back at two paramedics saying "are you okay, Jerry?" I do not know how long I was out (long enough for the paramedics to arrive), but less than four hours later I had a clean MRI, the 9th such scan since surgery (February 2004). I began taking anti-convulsant Keppra the day of the siezure, and have consumed about 1095 grams (500 mg pills, taken twice per day) of Keppra since June 23rd 2005; about 2.4 pounds - like eating a three triple meat burgers from Whataburger or Wendy's. I resumed driving around Christmas of 2005 (Texas law evidently requires that you be seizure free for six months in order to drive a motor vehicle) and have not had any problems since 6/23/05. One month after this incident, post-op MRI #10 was performed and was also clean.

Sunday, 15 June 08
Happy Father's day, dad. You have been gone 27 years, but I still miss you, think about you, thank God for you, literally have you in my dreams and look forward to seeing you soon. You would have been a great grandfather to my five children, even as your wife, my mother, is a great nana. I always looked up to you, not only because you were 6' 4" but also because of the godly man you were. The legacy of your life remains to this day, and as I stated during our goodbye talk in the Fall of 1980, if I turn out to half the man you were, I'll be satisfied.

Saturday, 14 June 08
Today and yesterday were yard work days. I profit greatly from being outdoors; much exercise as I mow much of our acre using a push mower, since my riding mower cannot cut grass evenly. I drove deeply into an area that could have provided refuge for snakes, but none was found.

Monday, 09 June 08
Our cat Gypsy was bitten by a snake yesterday and taken to an emergency pet hospital with a right front paw swollen to twice its normal size. Today I picked her up from the Animal Clinic, and she acted as if nothing had happened. The vet said that many cats do not survive a bite from a copperhead, but this feline still had plenty of her nine lives remaining. I am launching a campaign to remove anything on our acre that might be even slightly interesting to a venomous snake. There is one area that borders our property and a neighbor's property that has never been touched since we bought our land in 1984. I will move forward wearing long pants and thick boots. And if I happen to see a snake, well a sharp whirling lawnmower blade will provide my rebuttal to the incident with Gypsy.

Friday, 06 June 08
D-Day 2008. Allied troops storm ashore on the beaches of Normandy, France 64 years ago to begin the liberation of Western Europe. We must never forget the sacrifices made by others on our behalf.

Wednesday, 04 June 08
I recently installed a new stovetop in our kitchen, sacking the one that came with the house 21 years ago. The new unit is a significant upgrade and required a slightly larger cutout in the countertop than the original stovetop. So I dusted off the Sears Craftsman Saber saw that I had not used in 10 years, slapped a blade in the chuck, and proceeded to remove a one inch strip from the back of the cutout. The saw worked perfectly; as if it were brand new. And I must confess that I actually thanked the saw for a job well done. Sometimes I feel like that Saber saw ministerial; periods of inactivity followed by bursts of heavy usage. Even as I smiled at that saw for being available when I needed it most; I can almost see the Lord's smile when I have pleased Him - when I respond immediately to His prompting, especially unexpected instructions and unusual or last minutes changing circumstances. Sitting, resting and waiting are as powerful as running, pushing and rushing.

Saturday, 02 June 08
My niece Holly graduates from high school. Why does everyone grow up so fast?!

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