July 4th
July 4th

News - July 2010

Friday, 16 July 10
Kathy and I enjoyed a Kenny Rodgers concert this evening at Bass Hall in Ft. Worth. It was great seeing Kenny sing all of those famous songs, such as Through the Years, She Believes in Me, You Decorated My Life, Ruby, The Gambler, Lady and other tunes. He also had a slide show running in the background for some of these songs, and his interaction with the audience was very humorous. Kathy and I have seen several artists at Bass Hall, including Amy Grant, The Doobie Brothers and Michael Murphy.

Monday, 12 July 10
My scan from Friday has been reviewed as clean. My legacy radiologist no longer reviews MRIs at the imaging facility I patron, but I have a history with the new radiologist - he performed studies of my scans during my first year post-op. This is a nice development, since I do not wish to switch imaging companies again. Today's clean report means a green light for my trip to Poland in August. We are going to try getting infusions in four month increments, rather than waiting for the tumor to return for a 4th time. Check out my cbc results from today.

Saturday, 11 July 10
We are back from Texas Tech, where Aric spent the past week at band camp. Kathy and I enjoyed watching Aric perform in two bands: the second high school band (Aric is going into 8th grade), and the Jazz 2 band. Aric's trumpet solo was such a rush for us; he sounded so great!

Friday, 09 July 10
My 45th scan (44 post operative MRIs plus one PET scan) was performed today. The film looks clean to me. The radiologist's report will be available Monday.

Sunday, 04 July 10
Happy birthday, America! Today was a full day of fun, featuring activities such as eating, music and patriotic documentaries on the Military channel. I have seen many bumper stickers featuring the phrase, "God bless America." The Lord has in fact been very good to this country, and I believe that the time has come to turn the tables, as I have seen on one bumper sticker: "America bless God."

June 2010 News August 2010 News

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